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After a few minutes of silence the movie started
The screen shows the night sky time of Surrey , we see a owl on the sign 'PRIVET DRIVE' and the screen pans out to a identical brown bricked houses.
"That house looks familiar?" Lilly said surprised at seeing the familiarly house
"You know the house Lillyflower?" James said smirking
Lilly didn't say anything and only glared at James
The owl flies away and a elderly man with crimson robes and a long whiteish silver beard walks out and walks past a cat that is sitting on the curb. The elderly man is revealed to be Albus Dumbledore.
"What are you doing there professor?" Arthur asked
"I don't know Mr Weasley it is the future afterall." Dumbledore said uncertainly
Dumbledore takes a Deluminator rises it in the air and opens it and the light from the lamps gets summoned into the device making the street dark
"We want one." the Marauders and the Prewett twins said in awe and wonder.
"No!!!!" Everyone instantly shouts the group already had done enough pranks without the device but now if they get the device it will be very scary.
The cat on the curbs meows gaining the attention of Dumbledore
"I should have known that you would be here.......Professor McGonagall."Dumbledore said with a small smile
The cat then shifts into an older woman with a pointed hat revealing to be Professor McGonagall.
"Minnie!" the Marauders shouted.
"I have told you lot many times not to call me 'Minnie'." Professor McGonagall said with a glare and a small smile.
"Ok Miss...Minnie." James said with a smirk
"Good evening ,Professor Dumbledore . Are the rumors true, Albus?" Professor McGonagall asked Dumbledore
"What rumors are they talking about ?" someone from the hall asked only to receive a shrug
"I am afraid so,Professors the good and the bad."
"And the girl?"
"Hagrid is binging her."
"Do you think it's wise to trust Hagrid with something as important as this?"
"I trust Hagrid with my life."both Lilly and Dumbledore said at the same time at which Hagrid smiled gratefully at them both.
"Ah, Professor I would trust Hagrid with my life."Dumbledore said smiling
Hearing this Lilly turned red while Dumbledore had a small smile and the certain childrens present in the hall started laughing for god knows what reason.
Suddenly the sound of a motorcycle engine shatters the quite sky and a bright light comes down front the sky.A giant man riding the motorcycle lands right in front of the two professors .
"I want one."both Sirius and James said together
"No James/Sirius."both Euphemia and Remus said together not allowing for any argument.
"Professor Dumbledore ,Sir. Professor McGonagall." Hagrid acknowledged the two Professors
"No problem I trust ,Hagrid?"Dumbledore questioned
"No,Sir. Little tyke fell asleep just as we were flying over Bristol. Heh. Try not to wake her."Hagrid said handing the baby to Dumbledore .
"Here you go"
Majority of the women and children cooed at the sight of the baby
"Aww!!she is so cute" said surprisingly Bellatrix and everyone looked at here as if she grew a second head.
"I said that aloud didn't I."asked Bellatrix who was trying to sink into the floor only to receive nods
"Ok" someone in the hall said only to receive a glare.
"Albus, do you really think it's safe , leaving her with these people? I've watched them all day . They're the worst sort of muggles imaginable . They really are-"
"The only family she has ." Dumbledore said interrupting Professor McGonagall.
"That means her parents are gone isn't it." Molly said
Now everyone was feeling sympathetic for the little girl.
"This girl will be famous .There won't be a child in our world who doesn't know her name ."
"Exactly . She's far better off growing up away from all of that . Until she is ready."
"For what possible reason could she be famous it's not like she defeated and killed You-know-who."Walburga sneered .
"How would we know, we aren't from the future you know?"Sirius snapped which he instantly regretted when he saw Walburga's glare.
Dumbledore lays the baby on the doorstep
"You just left a baby at the doorstep!"shouted Lilly and Molly while some women glared at Dumbledore who was trying to avoid eye contact with everyone .
Hagrid is seen sniffling when Dumbledore lays the baby on the doorstep.
"There,there,Hagrid. It's not really good-bye,after all."
"Aww it's okay Hagrid."Lilly cooed
"Good luck, Olivia Aoife Potter."
"Wait Potter .So she's my daughter?"asked the idiotic James
Everyone mentally and physically facepalmed at what James said.
"Yes , prongs."said Sirius
"OH YEAH I AM A DAD!!!" exclaimed a very happy James then suddenly" then who's the mom" on hearing this everyone looked at Lilly who was not aware of looks send her way
"What?" asked Lilly who now saw the looks send her way
"Oh nothing ." James said with a small smile then suddenly he looked sad and said "so that means I am dead?"
No one spoke a word while James friends were holding his arm.
The screen shows Olivia with a lightning bolt scar on her forehead and the scar is shown to glow cutting to the words 'Olivia Potter and the Philosphers Stone'.
Remus , Regulus and the Professors  eyes widened when they saw the scar
"Is that a-." Remus asked the Professors shocked only to receive a nod
"What is what?" asked Lilly who had no idea what is happening.
"That is a cursed scar it only appears when someone uses a cursed spell like the killing spell and when the  victim lives they receive the scar till far no one had it meaning no on survived the killing curse and if she has the scar it means someone tried to use the killing curse on her but she lived. There is way to cure or treat the scar." Regulus said to everyone who didn't know what the scar meant.
"So that means someone used a killing curse on my daughter ? I will kill them!!" James exclaimed angrily
"No one touches our niece count us in." both Remus and Sirius said at the same time
"Niece?"James asked with a smirk.
"I ..uh...I mean if you want to." Sirius stuttered
"I would love to have you three as my daughters uncle so will also think the mom." James said happily
Everyone smiled at the exchange happening in front of them.

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