{Chapter 2} Deadpool

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i'm so sorry if it's long but i rlly don't know how to write short chapters so pls bare with me...


"ok i did it happy now"i said

"eh not really but good job " stiles said

"stiles shut the fuck up"i said

"fine you guys need to control your best friend"stiles said

" she's your best friend too" lydia said

"stiles take me to the hospital "i said

"omg for what "stiles said

"so i can beg my mom for her car that's why now let's go stilinski "i said

"ughhhh"stiles said

"stop being a bitch"i said

"your the-"stiles said cutting himself off

"i'm the what?"i said

"mmm nothing ready to go "stiles said


"hiiii mommm"i said

"oh no i that "hi mom" what do you need now"melissa said

"i need your car "i said

"oh no last time i let you use my car you didn't come back home until 4am"melissa said

"mom i told you the reason for that , but you didn't wanna believe me " i said

"because you tell me how am i supposed to believe that the reason you didn't make it back home until 4 am because of a dog that wouldn't move out of the road "melissa said

"mom i'm for real it wouldn't move"i said

"what do you need it for anyway"melissa said

"i um -"i said

"she's going on a date with this kid she likes"stiles said

"mimi don't you have a boyfriend " Melissa said

"ugh mom i don't like him, Scott and stiles are making me trick him into him going on a date with him so they can teach him control "i said

"control over what"Melissa said

"oh you know that kid Liam "stiles said

"yea the one i treated yesterday right"Melissa said

"yea we'll Scott bit him"i said

"ok fine here"Melissa said

"thanks mom your the best"i said

"your welcome, and i want my car back before 6" Melissa said

"gotcha thanks mom"i said

"why are you getting all dressed up it's not even a real party"stiles said

"stilinski i can get dressed up if i want too it's not of your business "i said

"you know if Andrew or Scott saw what you are wearing  Scott would kill me and Andrew i really don't care but you need to take it off"stiles said

"m don't listen to him you look great "lydia said

"thanks Lydia"i said

"lydia your not helping at all"stiles said

"maila what do you think , do i look Slutty to you"i said

"no i think you look hot forget what stiles said "maila said

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