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3rd person POV

In Neve's situation.....

Inside the coffin the unconscious mage woke up from a commotion outside, she started freaking out after fully opening her eyes, all she can see was darkness, her brother wasn't around, someone's voice who's unfamiliar to her was outside, all these things were inside her thoughts until she started to panic. Neve was starting to breath heavily, She started to push what's in front of her but to no avail it didn't open, softly banging what was blocking her from the outside, but that was left unheard from the cat and person outside who was running.

"I hope Noah is okay."(A/N: Dumbass mage u forgot you have magic🤬🤬)She said while leaning at the thing that was blocking her from this outside. Until the coffin opened.

While in Noah's situation....

The blonde haired haired boy woke up but only saw darkness, his sister wasn't around, and he was basically having a mental breakdown right now, not only it was dark, but due to his clever(yeah, he's complementing himself.)observation he knew he was inside a coffin. "I never knew I would die like this...." Noah said. He didn't even bothered to try opening the coffin.(A/N: Dramatic b🤬🤬)

"I'll just accept my faith."he sighed in defeat. "...." only silence filled the dark space, until an unfamiliar voice was heard, Noah crossed his arms not bothering to listen to his surroundings, until his (flying)coffin was knocked out and fell from the ground(dsurb.)."ouch...". The person outside didn't bother putting it back up because a cat was chasing after them.





A few people were already outside of their coffins, that includes Neve.  Who fell face first, "ouch.....". Neve slowly sat up and rubbed her nose, observing her surroundings she saw people wearing robes, examining herself, she was wearing the same robe as them 'Am I in a cult again?!' She thought. Having flashbacks, not until someone suddenly appeared in front of her, Cutting her train of thoughts."Hey, are you okay?" The person said, looking at the mage in worry. "Huh? Oh, yeah I'm fine, It's just a broken nose, nothing worrisome...heh." the person sweat dropped at Neve's response. "But you're still bleeding, here let me help you get up." The person said and lend his hand to Neve, she gladly took it and was beginning to wipe the blood from her nose using the robe's sleeve not until the person lent them their handkerchief. "The school might charge you for that." The person said in a sheepish smile.
"Thanks..." Neve's eyes sparkled at the person's kindness.'I never thought I would meet someone like this again.'.

"What's this angel's name..." Neve mumbled, bu to her surprise. The person heard it, "Oh, me? I'm Arsha Kadeen, and who might you be?" Arsha said and asked the mage. "Uh,..Neve...Neve Giovanni." She answered back."huh, your name sounds kinda feminine for a boy but who am I to judge?" Arsha said giving Neve a pat on the back.
The girl almost tripped at the person's action. 'Woah, is this person built or am I just weak? And why did he assume that I'm a boy?' She thought. "Come on, the ceremony is about to start." Before Neve could ask what he meant she was suddenly pulled into the crowd.






Noah was lucky enough that the fall wasn't really strong, but still felt pain in his back. Good thing he knows how to heal. The coffin suddenly opened and Noah slowly risen from the coffin and took a small peak. He saw a few other people wearing black robes as similar to him, scanning the whole area, he saw a person fall from their coffin. He tried to contain his laughter but failed, others who were near him were weirded out by his actions and soon walked away. "PffftkahahhaHa! That was hilarious! Am I right?" Before Noah could answer, he saw no one around, he only saw a white stuffed bunny. Noah started to get goosebumps, not only he was alone with a creepy looking doll, but he there was no one around, 'then who...-' he started to tremble. "BOO!!" The stuffed toy suddenly turned into a human and surprised poor Noah. "AAAAAAACKHHHMPF-" his mouth was suddenly covered by the boy. "Jeez, it was just a little scare, no need to make my ears bleed." The white haired boy said (Noah can see his face clearly cause his hood was down.) "HMPpPFffaA...!, if you didn't SCARE THE LIFE OUT OF ME, YOUR EARSWOULDN'TBLEED!" Noah respond after removing the boy's hand from his mouth. "Sorry my bad, I just love people's reactions, EHE!😋"(my boy is speaking emojis.)

Noah irked at his apology but decide to forgive him."so...are we in a cult?" Asked Noah, "huh....?" Then it all went silent. "PFFTHAHHAHAHAHAHAHha!" The boy laughed. "Phew,..Nice joke!, now c'mon, the ceremony's 'bout to start." With that, Noah was pulled from the crowd.

'Where the heck is Noah!?'

'Woah, I feel so cool in this robe.'


(I forgot to mention I have some OCs.)

Arsha Kadeen:
(I didn't actually made this, I took some of the twst characters' body parts.)
Unique magic:
"Genie of the Lamp!"

A magic that can grant wishes of others or oneself, manifesting the desires of others and themselves into reality and make their wildest dreams come true. Though, his unique magic has its own limits and rules to follow.

(Has an easygoing and friendly personality.)

Quentin Jester(Messy art cause I was too lazy to properly color it and do some line arts

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Quentin Jester
(Messy art cause I was too lazy to properly color it and do some line arts.)
Unique magic:
"I'm late!"

Magic that can slow down a person's movement or an inanimate object.

(He's so good with spells that are related to shapeshifting some people thought that was his unique magic.)


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(About the Twins)

Both Noah and Neve doesn't know how technology works, cause they don't have technology in their world.

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