the moon

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hi guys just a quick message I don't own the original story of now you see me  just  the character of y/n 

y/n = your name                                                                                                                                                                      y/m/n = your middle name                                                                                                                                                y/l/n= your last name 

hope you all enjoy and feel free to leave comments and suggest anything you would like to see in this story or future story's   

y/n was an ordinary street magician who had a hard past she has been on the run for so long she doesn't remember what her home feel like anymore living in hotels abandoned houses and the streets for a while  

but she recently get somewhat of a nice apartment on and somewhat nice street 

march 26; you wake up to the sound of dogs barking reaching for your phone your eyes still closed you open then to check the time 6:45 you would normally wake up at 7 but what's 15 minutes you thought then laughed turning your alarm of and going back to bed as you had nothing special today anyway   

you finally wake up at around 8:15 your body is stiff and you have a headache the sun is peeking through the curtains and shinning right into your eyes you get up and get a glass of water and some ibuprofen to try and sooth your pounding head after half and hour you finally decide to get ready for the day, you had decided to preform a show later so you needed to get ready for that it was only going to be a small show but hopefully you would make some money as  you needed  to buy some food to stock your apartment from the stores but you needed money to do it legally which you had tried to do more often. occasionally you would pickpocket to make sure you  had enough for the month  but is was certainly and cut from how often you used  to pickpocket.

at 9:30 y/n leaves her apartment to grab some food and coffee she eats it and starts looking for a good spot for her show not so big that there would be lodes of people but big enough that the right person would show up

 ten hits and your show starts                                                                                                                                             its very slow to begin with only around ten or so people after around 20 minuets the crowed had grown  quite a significant amount to you know its almost time to rap up you finish you trick and say well lady's and  gentleman I'm sorry to say this but I'm going to have to rap up the show after one last trick

"now for my last final trick tonight a simple card trick "                                             

the crowd boo as they hoped for something more fun 

you say "whoa whoa calm down sometimes the simplest of tricks can bring the most amazement

"now I need an assistant" 

almost everyone puts there hands up and the crowd cheer hoping to be picked 

"but" you add "I  want my assistance initials to be N.W

the crowd frown in disappointment as one man makes his way to the front 

"and what's your name sir" y/n says in a British accent       

"Noah Walters" he reply's

"oh and one quick question do you have your id "

yes he replies and goes to grab his id out of his wallet but its now there 

Noah confused  he says oh um its not in here 

"that's funny  i could have swore it was there earlier but anyways I believe you" y/n says trying to sound confused some other guy comes pushing through the crowd waving his id saying his name was Nathanial Winklebery  the crowd laugh at his name and you give him a disproving look and walk up to him 

"Nathanial winklebery" you say let me have a look at your id he hands you his id and see the name will Avon and look at him and say "either this is not your id or your lying to me about your name sir how sad now leave"  he turns away in disbelief swearing his name is Nathanial and quickly turn around back to Noah and say" wow he must be a little confused" the crowd laugh and you get on with your trick  

you pull an ordinary pack of playing cards out shuffling then quickly the fan them out in front of Mr Walters     

then you say the oldest phrase in the magician book 

"pick a card any card"    

Noah scans the deck and picks a card and looks at it 

"now please show the audience and card and slip it back into the deck " y/n says as she closes her eyes waiting for him to finish 

"done" he says 

you open your eyes   

shuffling the card pulling out some cool shuffling tricks you picked up on your many years of learning finally you pull out a card seven of diamonds 

showing Noah and saying "is this your card?"

everyone falls silent waiting for the answer as you  blocked the card from the audience  

Noah scoffs saying "ha no "

y/n goes red 

quickly looking at the card                                                                                                                                                  "wait what are you sure " y/n says as confident as she could 

"look again closely" you say mysteriously

slowly peeling the backing of the card to reveal his id 

the whole crowd gasps and cheers 

noah snatched the id out of your hand checking to see if it was really his 

he pulls out is wallet to places his id safety away  but a playing card falls out 

y/n catches it before it hits the ground and askes one last time "is this your card?"

noah looks at the eight of clubs and nods the crowd cheers 

y/n shouts to will the man from earlier 

"hey man next time you try and lie to a magician make sure all your belonging are on lock down"  winking back to him as you walk away 

the man searches himself realising that his watch and wallet are gone 

he shouts for security to stop the girl in the red leather jacket she has my wallet and my watch 

nobody reacts as there is no girl with a red leather jacket 

as you walk way you bump into some man in a blue hoody with his hood up and say "sorry man my bad" as you walk away 

you reach an alley you pull out the wallet and inside it was a good amount of money probably around 500 dollars you start to count the money what you see something else in the money it was a tarot card  the moon you flipped the card over puzzled,  on the back of the card was             29 march 4:44 east Evan ST NY.NY

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