awake all night

44 2 0

march 27

after you find the tarot card you freak out you heard about the eye while traveling with some other magicians but you never actually thought they where real even if there where your just a small street magician why would they what you

the walk back to your apartment went on for what seemed like hours. questions on why you would be chosen, yes you may be quite talented but you never really got many people to stop and watch your shows.

as you reach the door to the complex a sudden wave of excitement washed over you,

finally you thought you would finally be recognised for how good you where at magic

the night dragged on but your excitement kept you up, at around 2 in the morning you fall asleep, only to wake up the next morning to find yourself so full of energy that you think you'll never get to sleep again

it was almost 12 when you woke up on march 28 you where so happy last night you forgot to set an alarm for the next day but you knew you needed the sleep so you where happy you hadn't

you got up from your bed not even caring that the sun was beaming straight into your eyes in all of the chaos you had forgotten to get any food but before that you needed a shower and some coffee, quickly getting into the shower you turn the water on expecting nice warm water but are instead hit with a steam of ice cold water, it only took it around 30seconds to go warm but it was the longest 30 seconds of your life , submerging your hair in the warm water felt nice, washing away the city dirt felt nice as well, when your hair was wet you grabbed the shampoo after you rinsed that out you reached over for the conditioner rubbing it in after you finished your shower you turned the water off and went to grab your towel you dried your self of.

you got changed into your favourite pair of black jogger a plain black top covered by a jumper and finally your red leather jacket, you slide your black converse on and get ready to leave just as you open the door you remember "my cards" you say causing the man at the end of the hall to turn in confusion, turning around back to the door to grab your deck of playing cards .

as your walking to the coffee shop you always went to you decide to practice some shuffling you open the deck and grab them out placing the box back in your inside pocket as you start to shuffle a card catches your eye it was blue your cards where black with red details, confused you picked it out of the rest of then placing then back in your pocket there was some writing on the card you read it "nice show" it said sighed with j.w at the end you didn't know anyone with those initials or anyone who could of slipped it into your deck you shrug it of as nothing and go back to shuffling the other cards

as you reach the coffee shop you see your favourite barista Nicole, you push open the glass door, you both squeal at the sight of each other "hey Nicole long time no see" you say as she picks up a cup "yeah I've been off sick you know " she gives you a wink, you laugh "the usual ?" Nicole askes "you know it " you reply she goes to make small talk starting with "got any good story's to tell or new magic tricks " asking as she pours the coffee over ice "yeah i had an amazing show yesterday, stole a mans wallet as well but he deserved it he was a right jerk. How about you?"

"yeah its been good not as cool as your week though " she says placing the lid on your coffee

" oh one day one day " you say placing the money for her to take " bye Nicole!" "bye y/n!"

walking out of the small coffee shop you check the time it was half one it had taken so long to do two things you thought taking a sip of your iced coffee, you started walking to the local super market to buy grocery's checking your list you needed milk, sugar, eggs, bread and rice. you grab out a pen and add to the list 'and snacks' you walked around the store picking up the bits you needed and the stuff for your lunch and dinner finally you finish and reach the front of the line quickly grabbing one last thing some gum, the man at the till rings you up "$34.56 when your ready " quickly grabbing your wallet you pull out two 20 notes and hand them to the man he gives you the change "$5.44 change, have a nice day" "you too" you say back , as you where walking out you grab the sandwich you had bought for lunch .you start Walking down the street eating your sandwich.

a few hours later your starting to make dinner its already half seven by the time you start but your starving now, its nothing special just bungers it was eight when you finally sat down to eat dinner was amazing if i do say so myself you think putting the dishes in the sink to be washed you put on your gloves and was up the dishes but the time your finished at around half 9 as you kept being distracted by everything else you finish put the dishes away and full down on the bed hoping to go straight to sleep as you had a big day tomorrow but your head kept going back to the tarot card what would be in the apartment and then you remember the note you got in your deck of cards it was weird you didn't think you knew anyone with those initials did you?

as hard as you tried you couldn't fall asleep.

You had never once wished for a night to be over and for a new day to start as much as you did that night, you loved the night it reminded you of your family before they went sour you would all pile into the car and go on long drives you where asleep for most of the day so you where awake for most of the nights you and your dad would play when ever you stopped for gas and your mother would take you into the gas station to get your favourite candy and snacks and you would find the nearest field and go lay in it looking at the stars then one trip you found out why they took you on those trips that was your breaking point you found out they where looking for a family to take you so you decided on the next trip you would leave forever you packed all you could into the bag you normally took to not arouse suspicion and while your dad went to the toilet and your mom in the gas station to pay you ran and run until you found a hotel you didn't have much but with a day of pickpocketing you could afford one day as you planed where you where going to go

queen of his heart jack wilder x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now