Poem 3: To Be Remembered

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The stones had seen her weep.
But the flaming sky saw her smile.
She was blind to notice them.
She was busy writing herself, a story.
She fought like a warrior,
As mighty as the waves that hit.

The stars welcomed her musings,
Memories and desires were awake.
Dreams finding a way out of her
With belief to hold the world.
Destiny wasn't in the twinkling,
But in the smile she possessed.

If anything was to go with her,
It was the fantasy she lived in.
It was the beauty within her.
Her scars made her wonderful.
She was the storm and she couldn't be lost,
like a fallen leaf.

She would fade digesting the tales,
Cherishing the impossible,
Perishing the fear -
Of her dreams not being witnessed.
She do have left a history,
To be remembered.


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