Chapter 4

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Avery flopped in her chair after the last student was gone, thankful that it was Friday. She really needed the drink that was waiting for her at the bar, even if she wasn't sure about going out with the other staff. Lily wouldn't let her back out when she tried last night and gave up trying to get out of it when she saw how relentless Lily was about it.

She pulled out her bag and went into her classroom bathroom to change into the black jeans and sheer floral shirt she had brought. She pulled out the hair clips and let her hair fall naturally, touched up her small amount of makeup and went to find Lily. She was in her room with some other staff who were waiting, including the orchestra/band teacher who had been very friendly since she arrived at the school. The group decided on rides and went off to the bar they had chosen.

'The Devil's Watering Hole' was packed on that Friday night and Avery was really glad when she heard that one of the other teachers had reserved a table for them. She set her sweater on the back of her chair and looked around. It was a typical bar, but very clean. As she perused the rest of the building she noticed that there was a large group of people towards the back and in the center was Justin Mariner.

He looked unbelievably regal and mouth watering as he laughed and talked with the people around him. All the men were wearing the leather vests with the patches and those who had short sleeves on were covered in tattoos. He noticed the women around them, all fawning for his attention, or the attention of any of the men in leather and dressed very sexy. Avery felt uncomfortable when she caught his eye and he smirked at her, still talking to the others.

Avery noticed that Will, the music teacher, was now sitting next to her and was a little too close for her liking. Her thoughts were interrupted when the waitress came by and took everyone's order. She finally decided that vodka and cranberry sounded good and got a plate of nachos to go with it.

"You like cranberry juice?" She heard Will ask.

She nodded, "I love it. It's really good for you and I have loved it for as long as I can remember. Do you?"

Will shook his head, 'Too sour for me. So what are some things you like to do Avery?"

Avery sighed inwardly, she had no desire to do this with whom she thought would be a very nice man. But she really just wanted to enjoy her evening and settle into her new job before starting to date again. Luckily before she could respond, some of the other teachers started talking and telling stories that involved the whole table.


Justin was watching the table of staff from his daughter's school and was intrigued by the redhead. She seemed like she wanted to relax, but he could tell from his vantage point that the asshat next to her was too close and that was setting her on edge. He finished his beer after talking with his brothers from the club and got up, telling them he would be back.

He had made it past the area the club always had reserved when he was stopped by Heather.

She slithered up and rested her hands on his chest and almost purred, "I have it all set with Kelly. Tomorrow night at Pauly's party we are going to have so much fun together. Just us, no clothes and lots of sex!"

Justin was suddenly turned off by the thought of having a threesome with the two sweet butts and pushed her hands off his body, "Yeah, I don't think that's going to happen. You and Kelly can have at it with anyone else, but I think I'm gonna pass."

Heather was stunned and watched him walk away. He had never turned down any sexual act with her and he was always up for some multiples action. She wanted that 'old lady' patch from him and she wasn't ready to give up the fight just yet. She decided that she was going to watch and see what she could do to further her agenda.

Glad to be rid of her, Justin walked over to the table filled with teachers and smiled, "Welcome to the fine teachers at Middleton Academy. I hope you are all enjoying yourselves?"

One of the 5th grade teachers, Joe Walters, a man who was friends with Justin's father, stood up and shook his hand, "Hey Justin, we are having a great time as usual. We had to take our new teacher out and show her the town."

He pointed to Avery and Justin grinned at her and moved to her side of the table shaking her hand, "Why yes, I believe you are the new teacher that my daughter talks about all the time. Welcome Miss Harper to Middleton and 'the Devil's Watering Hole'. The next round is on me."

"Thanks, but you don't have to do that, Mr. Mariner. I-" Avery started.

"Nonsense. What good is owning a business if you can't make up the rules as you go?" He interrupted, winking at her.

She felt a flutter in her stomach and her heart was beating erratically when his hand connected with hers, "Um ok. Thank you then. And it's Avery."

Justin still hadn't let go of her hand after shaking it and she could feel how large and warm it was and how it completely engulfed hers, "You are welcome Avery. It was a real pleasure meeting you," he said, his voice dripping with innuendo.

She felt a blush rising and finally was able to form a thought and gently pulled her hand from his and it instantly felt cold, "You too..."

He smirked and reminded everyone the next round was on him and he moved towards the main bar counter, talking to the workers there.

"He really thinks he is so smooth. When he really is just a criminal man whore," She heard Will snark out.

"Well he seems nice enough," Avery replied in an equally snarky tone, "He didn't have to give us free drinks, but did."

"Just trying to buy us off so when his little brat gets to our classes and causes problems we don't do anything about it," Will shot back.

Avery was shocked and felt some anger bubbling up when he spoke about Alexis, "Do you even know Alexis?"

Will shook his head defiantly, "Nope, she has choir as a kindergartener, she won't have me unless she wants to play an instrument in second grade- which I hope she doesn't. I still don't understand why the board allows those kids into our school!"

"Well maybe if you weren't so closed minded you would find out that Alexis is a lovely little girl, smart too. I have no idea about the other club members' children, but you can't judge a child by what their parents do!" Avery spat at him, then stood up abruptly, "If you'll excuse me, I need to use the ladies room."

Avery walked to the sign that indicated the bathrooms were in that direction. She stomped in, did her business and washed her hands. She took the wet paper towel and patted her face with the cool water to calm down. She looked in the mirror and saw how flushed she was and rolled her eyes, thinking about how she let that redhead temper fly again. She reminded herself to get it together, took a few deep breaths then went out the door. 

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