our wedding day 💒

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I was having my make up done when Taylor came running in screaming. She was being chased by ghost bride! All of us girls screamed and ran out of the dressing room my father, Andy, Freddy, Shaggy and the others came running. Freddy and Andy went to catch her but couldn't. Then she out a piercing scream and disappeared. We were all frightened but the gang and I decided to check it out. We went back into the dressing area looked around for clues. I found a black hair that was from a wig. Velma found some face paint and a piece of cloth. Most likely from the ghost brides wedding gown. We know from experience that this had to be a someone trying to scare us off from having the wedding. We decided to get more information and decided to ask around. We talked to the owner of the wedding hall. She said that long ago there had been a wedding at the hall and the wedding was going well until it was crashed by the bride's ex boyfriend who killed the bride, the groom and the whole wedding party. The bride still haunts the hall mourning the she never got to have. We knew that was all bull. We decided to set a trap. We pretended to start the wedding and just as the bride was walking down the aisle we all heard the ghost bride's shriek she was threatening and running towards Taylor who was in the decoy bridal gown. We dropped the net on her and caught her. Freddy said, "Now let's see who this ghost bride Really is!" I cleaned off the make up and took the black wig. "It was the owner!" We said surprised. "But why?" I asked as Andy put his arms around me protectively. "Because, I was the bride that didn't get her wedding day. I survived my ex shooting me but my groom and our family and friends didn't. So I made up that I had died as well and pretended to be a ghost bride to ruin other weddings! And I would have gotten away with it if it weren't for you meddling kids and Scooby-Doo!" The police took her away and the wedding went on for real. It was a beautiful wedding and Andy and I are happily married

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2022 ⏰

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