Introductions cause 10 year old me thought why not

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Kaen Furazawu


Height: 5'8

Eye color: green

Hair color: scarlet red

Job: Top Secret FBI agent

Agent Number: 206

Ranking: Rank S - high level specialized agent

Kuroshima Jigokou


Height: 5'8

Eye color: blue

Hair color: pink

Job: Secret Assassanation Clinic

Nickname: Kuros (pronounced like "cross")

Yumi Hato


Height: 5'7

Eye Color: black

Hair color: black

Job: still in highschool, sophomore/grade 11, part time worker at WcDonalds

School: Oki Beacon Academy (boarding school)

Ranking: skips all classes unless there is a test. She gets A+ every test so she ends up passing the class anyways. She is smart and anti social. Pretty rich. Well richer than everyone i've met irl. 

Panuri Fatui

Age: 17

Height: 5'6

Eye color: blue

Hair color: white

Job: still in highschool, sophomore/grade 11

School: Oki Beacon Academy (boarding school)

Ranking: tries to focus in class, but barely passes anyways. She is knows for being friendly, positive, and always hungry. Cheer leading captain super rich. 

Akio Tomi

Age: 18

Height: 6'1

Eye color: light brown

Hair color: blue

Job: grade 12/senior, part time worker at the local florist shop.

Ranking: Heir of the biggest company in Japan, Richest, smartest, handsomest, kindest, politest, brightest boy in school.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2022 ⏰

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