"Just Can't Take It.."

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It's strange how losing one person can effect an entire group of people. You can physically feel the tension in the air and see the silent agreement to not bring up the event that had just recently occurred. Even the most talkative of the group will be silenced by the loss of a coworker.. colleague.. a friend..
The Reds and Blues, or the two who were left of Blue, headed to Agent Carolina who offered to take them in along with Agent Washington. They knew how hard it was to lose a fellow teammate and were more than willing to let them stay there for the time being. Sarge and Church took it upon themselves to take care of the group; more so the Red than Blue because of the youngest Blue grieving the most out of all of them. Caboose took his death the hardest, especially after finding out how much He actually cared about him. The last sentence He said echoing in his head.

As soon as they got to Carolina's base, she pulled Caboose into a hug letting him cry into her shoulder. She held him tighter, and rubbed the young Blue's back.

"It's going to be ok Caboose.. Everything's gonna be ok. I'm always here for you and so are all of your friends."

The younger nodded and spoke hesitantly, "o-okay... Thank you Miss Carolina.."

She smiled softly at Caboose and ruffled his hair a bit. The freelancer saw him as a little brother and it broke her heart to see him like this. She made it her duty to comfort him and to get his bubbly, giddy personality back.
She looked up at the rest of the group and motioned for them to follow her as she headed to the living quarters of their base. Church and Caboose took the room right across the hall from Carolina just in case Caboose needed someone when either one of them were out. The Reds split themselves up in the long hallway. Grif and Simmons choosing to stick together leaving Donut and Sarge to have single rooms, both preferring it that way.

After everyone was 'settled in', Washington offered the group food, knowing how hungry most of them were. Church refused, knowing his fellow Blue needed him now as a friend more than ever. Washington nodded and took the Reds to get some sustenance in the mess hall.

They all sat down with the military issued food and started eating.
"I can't believe this happened.. How did we let it get so bad..?" Grif turned to look at Simmons who was sitting across from him. He sighed, "Look, there was nothing we could have done to change what happened.. The flood is too powerful for a motley crew like us. Tucker knew the consequences and chose to save us anyway.. He was a good soldier.. Better than all of us could ever hope to be.."

Sarge glanced up at him, a solemn look on his face. "You're right. There's nothing we could've done. We should have been more prepared. Now we lost a teammate, granted not on the same team as us but still. We have to fight the flood eventually to get our bases back. And so we start training as soon as morning hits."

"And how do you suppose we do that? Huh? On our own? Carolina and Washington are busy fighting their own battle right now! Caboose is in mourning right now because of what happened! Church too! And you expect us, all of us to fucking start training? There's no way in hell thats happening right now! All you fucking think about is goddamn war and how we need to take down everyone and be emotionless! That's not how we work, we're not a militia, we're a fucking family. You need to get it through that thick skull of yours."

Grif sneered at the older Red before heading off in the base not knowing where he was headed; wanting to get out of there before completely losing his temper. The rest of the team sitting in silence after his outburst. Donut quietly spoke up, "I just want our friend back.." and with that he got up and went back to his room.


Caboose curled up on his cot in silence, thinking, wondering what he could've done to change all of this. How would they have defeated or prevented the flood from taking over? What could they do now since they were down a member? Why did he leave you alone..? The tears in his eyes streamed down his cheeks as he curled in tighter to himself. Why didn't you tell me sooner...? We could've fought together as a team.. We didn't have to lose you.. Something tells me this is all a dream, a nightmare, but when I try to wake up, I'm hit with reality.

"You left me all alone... Now what am I supposed to do Tucker...?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2015 ⏰

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