Chapter 12: Project Dinner

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The sound of a phone ringing drags me out of restless sleep. I open my eyes to light streaming through my window. Dazed, I roll over and check the time. 7:00 in the morning, on a Saturday. What am I doing up? I flop back down on my covers when my phone ringing reminds me of why I got up. I throw my legs over and shoot out of bed, snatching the phone and running into the hallway. Just because I don't get to sleep doesn't mean Annie shouldn't.

"Hello?" I say groggily.

"Hi. Katniss. This is Gale."

I flip through all the names I know in my mind, trying to locate who this boy is. Gale. Gale. Gale. Nope, apparently my brain doesn't want to work this morning.

I must have been silent for long enough because he speaks up. "From architecture." ...Ahh yes I remember, we are partners for some project.

"Oh yeah. Hi" I clear my throat.  "Umm what are you calling me for on a Saturday? We don't have class." I probably sound a bit annoying and demanding, but I am not a morning person. Anyone who really knows me knows not to disturb my sleep patterns.

"Oh. Well I was just hoping we could work on our project some more."

"It's still not due for a little while. And he's giving us plenty of time in class to work on it. I don't really find it necessary to work outside of class." I reply, annoyed.

"Well yeah. Okay. Well then umm do you want to just grab a bite to eat?" I squint, rubbing my eyes.

"Like a date?" I say defensively, folding my arms over my chest.

"Well, just as friends." He replies quickly. I crease my eyebrows even though he can't see me. It doesn't feel particularly right getting dinner "just as friends." Especially since he has Madge and I sort of have Peeta at the moment.

"Come on Katniss. Get out a little more, have some fun."

I let out a sigh. It's just grabbing a bite to eat. I can have guy friends who I don't want to date, right? Of course. "I can have fun! Fine, I'll come with you." I say, giving in to defeat. Can't hurt anyways.

"Perfect! I'll see you at 6."


I glance at the clock on my wall and roll my eyes, annoyed. Again Gale is late. How does he even keep a job? That is if he has a job. I suppose I can't blame him if he doesn't. I don't have a job, but that is just because I worked my butt off in High School, so now I have plenty of money put away. At least to get me through college. I'll start my career once I graduate.

Shifting my weight on the couch, I pull my skirt down. I didn't exactly know what to wear, considering I don't know where he is taking me, so I just put on a plain black skirt and a blouse. Nothing really out of the usual. I run my hand through my hair, debating if I should phone Gale and call the whole thing off. It doesn't feel right. We are just going to grab a bite to eat as friends, but it still doesn't feel right.

Finally I hear my phone buzz in my pocket, and reach in to read a text. Parked in the garage. Level 1, Row 2. "He can't even have the decency the come meet me up upstairs." I mutter under my breath as I head at the door, and turn to lock it tight. I shove my keys in my purse and check my phone one last time.

"Hey Katniss." A voice speaks up in front of me. My eyes dart up and I catch eyes with a girl trying to open her door across the hall, while carrying a bunch of grocery bags. She gives me a side smirk. "Oh hi, Johanna is it?"

"That's me. Long time no see huh?"

"Yeah. Other than in class.  I don't get out much." I say, trailing off. "I can see." She mutters, while switching some of the bags in her hand to brush away a piece of hair in her face.

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