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3rd person POV:

When they finally woke up and got enough rest they then continued on their journey with sky on sevens head seven gave back the Jacket to amber but amber insist that he keep it until they are somewhere that isn't cold or something and so seven kept it mono keeps getting jealous but for now he will not do anything as they are old friends so he wanted seven to have some moments with his old friends they reach a hospital, Jake then suddenly hold seven mono noticed

Seven:w-whats wrong Jake? only do this when....

Mono POV:

When what? What does seven mean, amber then went near me

Amber:when Jake knows something bad is about to happen or we're about to go to somewhere where something bad might happen he does that in order to protect seven and yes I also do that

What was wrong with the hospital? I mean it does make sense if something bad is about to happen in the hospital just like with the hunter and Teacher and the porcelain doll, we then got inside the hospital

I'm so sorry but like i said i am lazy

We split up me with seven while amber was with Jake while we were walking around I saw someone who has a raincoat and was....breaking(?) The fingers of a mannequin hand I then put seven behind me to protect him but seven went near the person


The person didn't reply seven then gave the person a hug it seems like person trusted seven a little bit


Seven:I'm seven and his mono

Six then gave me some type of death stare WHAT DID I DO?! Anyway we then left, and tried to look for a way out, six was holding onto seven, We went outside, and I put the fuse in, and the door then open, we went in and I saw that there was a hole at a door seven help me get to the other side,

3rd person POV:

Seven then helped six get to the other side, six got up, but before going to the other side she reached her hand out, while her other hand holding on the bars, seven jumped and hold six hand, when both managed to get to the other side they then looked around, when suddenly seven was shaking a lot, while looking at a mannequin, six and mono noticed, mono went near seven and tried to calm him down, while six was looking at the mannequin, trying to figure out why seven is so terrified of it,

Seven:m-mo-no.....d-do-don't tu-rn off, y-yo-your fla-flash-light.....

Mono was confused what seven was meant by that, while six was trying to peace it together, when it suddenly click.

Six:the mannequin will move if there are no lights?

Seven nodded, and both kids now realized why he was so scared, six looked for another flashlight for seven, when she finally found one she took it and told mono to close the lights, and she will keep seven safe, mono agreed, and mono close the lights, and the mannequin did infact move, It rush towards seven and six, six immediately flash the light, causing the mannequin to stop, mono then flash it so six and seven can escape, they managed to escape the mannequin, while mono is still flashing it, while he was waiting for six to flash, she gave him a small smirk, and turn away trying to distracted seven from noticing mono isn't with them,

Mono(mind):WHAT THE HELL?!

Seven then notice mono and took the flashlight, and flash it at the mannequin so mono can escape, mono managed to escape, while six looked annoyed, about mono being with them, they then continued on their journey, saw multiple rooms, they decided to go to the one at the far end in the back, they entered, and there were hundreds of them, six and mono looked at seven to make sure he is ok with this, seven nodded his head and they went on their way, the mannequins did move, but six, mono and seven would immediately flash their light at it, when they finally manage to escape the room, they bumped into jake and amber, both amber and Jake looked at seven to make sure he is ok, and when they confirmed he was ok, they continue on, seven already introduce six to them, six was holding seven hand, while they were walking around, seven saw a hole in the bars, they entered it and saw there was another hole

They entered it and mono saw one of those smoke kids and he came near it, after he took care of that they continue on, there were some prison cells they continue on walking, when suddenly mannequin hands came out the hole, they immediately run, to escape it six was no longer holding seven, but rather Jake and amber, they continue to ran, when suddenly there were another batch, and were going after them, they went to the other side, and continue to ran, six saw a vent, and told them to climb it, mono went up first seven went next, then Jake, amber, and six, luckily the mannequin can't climb, they entered it and were now at a bathroom, Jake took a soap and used it to push the button they entered it and amber saw another opening, she looked around and realized what they needed to do she told them and they all agree mono pulled the switch, and the mannequin on the wheelchair, bolted towards them, and amber immediately flash her light, and mono then open the Lights, seven then push the wheelchair towards the hole and climbed on and the others followed,

Got lazy, I will make part 2 of this tho

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