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I look for my locker while trying not to make it seem like i'm lost, "288, 289, 290, 291." i find my locker as i look to the right of me and see, "oh no." i think to myself as a boy with brown hair and a chain dangling from his neck comes towards me, "oh no, that's the guy from the street, is he coming to talk to me?" as he gets closer he turns and opens the locker beside mine, You've got to be joking. I try to make it out without noticing me but i hear a call from behind. "shit." I say under my breath "Hey, You're the girl that was uh.. looking at me and my brothers this morning right?" I look behind me and see the most beautiful blue eyes i've ever seen in my life, I stood there in shock as he looks at me with a concerned face "oh um, was i staring?" I say trying to play it off.

"yeah... pretty hard id say" he says back to me, "oh yeah, haha that was me" I say with a slight change in my voice trying to regain confidence, "who's that, in your locker?" its a picture of me and Amira of us when we were like 7, at the park eating ice cream. "oh uh that's me and my best friend, she lives in Nashville tho." Shit. "Oh, are you new here?" he says still looking at the picture "Umm, yeah, just moved from Nashville" the one thing I didn't want people to know, I was the new girl, and the first conversation I have is about me being new, I am not good at this huh.

"Cool. If you ever want to hangout someti-" he gets cut off by someone who looks identical to him smacking him in the head, wait. "Are you guys twins?" I ask the boy, "Triplets!" The other one says "Hi im Chris, Who are you?" "I'm Hallie." "Cool. Matt i'll see you in Gym?" Matt, that's the boys name "So, Matt, what were you saying?" I try to get him to invite me to hangout again, "Oh I was just going to say-" RING the first period bell rings, of course, just as i was about to make my first friend. "I'll ask you later, see you around." I watch him walk away as he turns back and says "Bye Hallie". Butterflies fill my stomach until i realize, oh shit, I've gotta get to class

You and I - Matthew SturnioloWhere stories live. Discover now