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In a kingdom of badgers there are some that are black smiths that creates the armors and weapons. Some are soldiers as the strongest ones are the knights and there is two kinds of badgers, a normal badger and a honey badger.

A knight comes into the castle with some people waiting "hey Ze! Mission over already or did it kick you in the butt?" the armored badger without the helmet said, the dark knight just looked at the badger but continued walking to the throne room.

The dark knight made it to the throne room where the king was waiting "Anything to report of the mission?" the king that is a honey badger looked at the dark knight, he kneeled down to the king on his knee staring down at the floor "forgive me my lord but it has been unsuccessful" the other badgers started to argue "how can someone just fail to kill an old mouse!" one of the knights shouted in anger "silence! Now explain how you the most strongest of my knights failed this mission?" the king asked "a little pathetic little mouse stopped me from my mission, she was brave and got guts but she will be a threat to us if we don't do something about her" he said "hah! so it was a girl!? Geez talk about weak!" one of the badgers said and it was the badger that first talked to him, the dark knight grabbed the badger by his armor "maybe we should see who's weak without an arm". Both the dark night and the Badger glares at each other "enough, what is the description of the threat you speak of" the king says "the mouse has a color of orange fur, brown eyes, and an ANNOYING LITTLE RED BUG THAT FOLLOWS HER!" he yelled being pissed off of how a bug bested him, he breaths "any location of where she is living?" the king asked "at the villages library but she also lives with the old mouse as some sort of assistant" "very well....Zoon you will capture the mouse and bring her to me...alive" "yes sire" Zoon kneeled down and then looked back at the dark night smirking "with all do respect your highness but why not me going after the rat?" the dark night asked "you may be strong but she has bested you already, has she not?" the king said raising an eyebrow "sighs* yes sire" "heh lets see if I get the mouse as easy as....well in your case meat pie" Zoon gets up and passes the dark knight " I just hope she's a cutie that can handle me~" Zoon said and started to leave the throne room.

The dark knight's red eyes glows in anger and started to clench his armored fist as the doors closed.

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