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After Newt new that Tommy was alive he rushed to the hospital not even caring if he hit some one. As soon as Newt got to the hospital he went straight to the front desk "Is Thomas checked in here?" He asked. The woman looked over at him and sighed "yes he is sweetie, he's in room 250. It's just down the hall and to your left." Newt nodded a quick thanks and limped down the hall, when he got to room 250 he found a doctor there checking up on him. "Excuse me" he said. The doctor turned to look at him and said "are you Newt?" And he said yes. "Okay so Thomas only has a few broken ribs and a cut on his back and..." he glanced quickly at Newt and cleared his throat. "Get on with it then!" Newt yelled angrily expecting the worse. The doctor cleared his throat again and said "He hit his head very hard in the crash and..." he faltered looking again at Newt "he has Amnesia."

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