Modern + Mafia AU

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"Thank you. I will personally explain and apologise to him for this predicament. Do investigate his background as blackmail in case he does not agree with me in keeping this strictly confidential." Now that Zhongli is calm, the tense atmosphere dissipated and the interrogated men heaved a silent sigh of relief. "You are dismissed."

Standing up and bowing to their boss, they went to the door to exit. Zhongli sighed. He stood up and walked to the windows of his office, enjoying the scenery of Liyue's night, still brimming with life. Closing his eyes, he hummed.

This will be interesting if you are who I think you are.

The dragon's eyes are half lidded, slightly opened out of curiosity.


⚠️ Warning ⚠️: Kidnapping.


Zhongli, a 28 year old man, after his subordinates' insistence to visit a clinic, decided to do as they say to stop the growing annoyance in him. Seriously, if he was a thoughtless leader they would have been killed since he would think they were addressing him as weak. They should be glad that he isn't cruel.

After having Keqing, his secretary, organize a scheduled appointment for a doctor, he continued with his work. Not forgetting to thank the young lady.

Unknowingly for him, she and some of his workers silently cheered of finally persuading their boss to get his health checked.




In his scheduled appointment, here, he meets a handsome (pretty?) young man with spectacular noctilucous jade blue eyes, framed by the orange long lashes, ginger hair the colour of sunset, and pale skin comparable to the snow. A cerulean blue button up shirt beneath the white doctor's lab coat, and black slim leg pants partnered with black leather loafers.

At first, he was hesitant thinking that he was an intern because sometimes interns are not correct with their speculations. Hearing this made the red head burst out into laughter, and explained that he was not an intern. Even showing Zhongli his I.D to prove that he was an officially employed doctor of the clinic. He looked at the I.D., searching for key information.

Ajax... 23... Morepesok... Ah, a seaside village from Snezhnaya. So he's a Snezhnayan.

He never expected a young man in his early twenties to already be a doctor.

For Zhongli, the medical field is the hardest major to graduate from. Having to memorise the different parts of the human anatomy, to the little details of each one. Respiratory system, cardiovascular system, illnesses, diseases etcetera. It would take years to learn all of it or just majority of it, yet this young man is already a doctor at age 23. Employed too.

Zhongli found himself feeling admiration for the younger one.

"It seems to be that you are a young genius doctor hailing from the land of cold. Quite an achievement I must say." The ginger giggled, but a bit startled by the deep voice of the man.

Ajax couldn't help but stare.

Objectively, the man in front of him is a handsome fellow. Skin a beautiful ivory pale, with beautiful eyes the color of cor lapis that, not gonna lie, is quite intimidating to look at, a sharp jawline, dark chocolate hair with a gradient of amber at the ends, long silky hair in a low ponytail, swishing softly whenever he slightly moves (a rat tail?), red eye liner that frames the colour of his eyes. Partner these all up with expensive looking three piece suit, all black with gold streaks embroidered on the coat, a white tie with a golden gem in the middle, black slacks and black dress shoes. Handsome indeed.

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