Some small facts about me

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Hello! To start off, I don't want anyone to pity me for what has happened in the past. I've only told a few close friends and two of my older cousins.

These short chapters are going to be able my experiences of either current problems in my life currently or from my past that I don't feel ok enough to share with my family. As I said in the description, I will put warnings at the beginning of the chapters if the topic has triggering things in them.

Some facts about me (skip if you'd like) :

I am medically diagnosed with depression, anxiety, and ADHD. I also suffer from chronic migraines that are genetic from my mom's side of the family.

I graduated high school in 2020, so my senior skip day lasted for a whole semester.

I am ftm trans, asexual, and gay. I came out to my family as Ace in 2019 and transgender in 2020. They are still getting used to me being trans and I have not come out to my family as gay yet, but I'm pretty sure a few of my cousins figured that out.

My pronouns are he/they

I have a parakeet named Blueberry. He loves to play peek-a-boo and will yell at me if he smells food (not his).

I am currently trying to be able to have a service dog. I am going to self train it to do specific tasks and if anyone has any suggestions or tips, feel free to share!

I absolutely love history and I'm wanting to major in it during college. My favorite periods are the American Revolution, World War II, and the Holocaust.

During high school, I was in Theatre all four years. I started out in tech my freshman year and then went to doing acting.

I was in band from 6th grade through my senior year. Up until my senior year, I played trumpet and then joined front ensemble my last year during marching season.

I have no set schedule for when chapters are published. Life is crazy at the moment so updates will be random.

I hope everyone who read this has a great whatever is going on for you!

(Published: 06/04/2022)

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