Family drama and current events

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Hey! I know it's been a while, but it's time for a trauma dump.

Also, today was my first time, since coming out as ftm trans, going to a pride event near me.
Last week, my mom and sister went to visit some family out of state. A few days ago, my mom, aunt, and grandma got into a huge argument. It was a whole thing. One of the things that they were fighting about was the LGBTQ+ community. This lead to my grandma telling one of my cousins, who is bi, directly to her face that she (grandma) doesn't support her (cousin). I had a silent breakdown.

This really hurts me because my grandma was one of the first few to know. I already feel very unsafe in my own state and I've done my research on which countries are the safest for the LGBTQ+ community and how long it would take to gain citizenship in those places.
The USA is supposed to be the "Land of the free", but how can anyone be free if the damn Supreme Court and all the homophobic asshole governors take away rights and pass bullshit laws against the transgender members that literally put lives at risk and people can't be themselves without being faced with discrimination.

The same goes for the events that took place yesterday when Roe V. Wade was overturned. I really hope the dipshits that voted on it understand that, by them overturning that law, made it more likely for the national suicide rate to go up, should a woman or teenage girl be raped. Because a while back, a dumb bitch in the Supreme Court stated that by women getting raped, it gives them an "opportunity" to have a child. I cannot fathom how much hatred I have for this country.

And for those of you who don't support President Biden because of current events, he didn't cause anything to go up in prices or ruin anything. Biden is an Ally of the LGBTQ+ community and is trying to fix all the shit that Trump did during his presidency. Trump passed SEVERAL anti-lgbtq+ bills and laws that placed the community in severe risk.

Before you go and complain about what the news claims, do your research on the topic like it's the biggest essay you've ever done and it's the essay that your life depends on. Keep your negative opinions to yourself and get over it.

Word count: 409↑

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2022 ⏰

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