~๑♡ The Minotaur ♡๑~

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~๑♡ The Minotaur ♡๑~

Ariadne 's perspective

My dad: Minos, the king of Crete had two surviving children, a son and daughter. I: Ariadne was the daughter of the king. I was the only human child still alive. My brother isn't like me. My stepbrother is a minotaur. He is a huge, dangerous, wild creature, half bull, half human and eats human flesh. Not long ago he ate my other brother, Androgeos. Androgeos tried to kill the minotaur but sadly failed and got eaten.

My dad was in war with other islands in the Aegean Sea. They had a deal; my dad would stop fighting the other islands only if they would give Crete seven young boys and girls every year to feed the minotaur. They had no choice but to say yes and accept our deal. 

One year Prince Theseus came along with the seven young men. When I saw him, I knew he was different from the others. He was so charming. I felt moved by him. I knew that I loved him and wanted to spend the rest of my life with him. There was a tiny problem though. My dad wanted to feed him to the minotaur!

Every night someone was sent into the labyrinth, one by one. The labyrinth is a huge maze underneath my palace. That is where the minotaur lives. Every night you heard screaming from the poor victims who were sent down there. I was constantly restless thinking about, death of the seven men.

The night before it was Theseus' turn, he came up to me with a grin and said: ¨Oh Princess Ariadne, the day I came to your island, I couldn't take my eyes off you. I love you. ¨ 

I stood there not knowing what to do, jump for joy, kiss him? But I just stood there looking at his dreamy eyes. Eventually I simply smiled and said, ¨Yes.¨.

Before we went to bed, I said to him that I would help him slay my monstrous stepbrother. I gave him my crown, a bronze sword and golden string rolled up in a ball. The string was for finding your way out of the maze. I gave Theseus a kiss and we both went to bed.

The next morning Thesues went to the labyrinth with courage and none of the fear that the other victims had shown. My dad was surprised but didn't think much about it. I sat down waiting and waiting. The night turned to day. I've waited so long the sun has already risen. I looked at the sundial. It took so long, could it be that he was dead? No, it can't be. I gave him all that he needed to slay the beast. I waited a few more minutes and then I saw Theseus walking towards me. He carried the stepbrother's head in his left hand. Blood was dripping on the floor and Theseus was covered in it. Once he got close enough, he said: ¨Ariadne, lets sail off together and get away from here. ¨

I slowly nodded and we both went to the ship where the seven men were sailed to. We sailed off and the waves were peaceful. I felt so happy that I'm now with the love of my life. It slowly turned night and we needed rest, so we stopped by an island, and we started resting. I closed my eyes and dreamt...

The next morning, I woke up and looked around. Theseus isn't here! I cried his name: ¨Theseus! I am awake now! ¨

There was no answer. I am starting to get worried, and I walked around searching for him. Eventually I saw that someone was taking the anchor off the hook. I ran to the ship as fast as I could but then saw that Theseus was on the ship ready to leave!

¨What are you doing! You are leaving without me! ¨ I burst into tears. He smirked and said: ¨That's the whole point. Leaving you behind! ¨

Theseus chuckled and sailed off leaving me on the lonely island to starve. I just couldn’t believe he betrayed me like that. There is nothing I can do now so I sat down. It turned night very quickly and I need food to survive. The downside was that there is no food on this island and not anything that could be turned into food. I looked at the stars I prayed to the Gods for help. The Gods told me: ¨The stars that you were looking at will be your mark in the heavens you shall reside as a goddess with us.¨


R. Williams

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2022 ⏰

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