Chapter One: What

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              Camila was born with a gift or a curse as she liked to put it, I mean who likes to see dead people? Not Camila that's for sure or even worse when she touched anyone she was able to see their death, that's one way to make friends "Hey, you're gonna die by being hit by a car! Let's be friends". Onto the story though:

                Camila woke up to the sound of shrieking and cries, any normal person would get up and run to the source but Camila already knew the source and was pretty annoyed that she was woken up this early. "Jesus Christ Ally, what the hell happened to being quiet until school?" the girl in question just laughed "I decided to be your alarm today silly" Camila just rolled her eyes before turning to see that it was already 7:15 she had 10 minutes to get dressed and then another 5 to eat a bagel before her friend Normani would be over to take her to school. "I want you dead" Camila muttered before getting off the bed to get dressed, Ally just laughed "I can't die twice sweetheart" she said cheerily before walking out of the room. "Touché" Camila said before throwing on a black shirt and a skirt topping it off with her signature converse, this was gonna be a good day I mean first day of junior year that has to be impressive right?

Wrong, Camila was way wrong walking into school she had managed to touch shoulders with four random people already, which meant she was already plagued with the images of a kid in her math class' death (by books actually kind of ironic), even her Spanish teachers death was in her mind. She was brought out of her train of thought when she collided with something hard, or someone hard that is. "Shit" she heard the other person say as they fell, "I'm sorry" Camila said picking up her stuff before turning to face a green eyed girl staring up at her in shock. "You can see me?" Lauren said staring at the smaller girl, Camila just nodded before she realized shit she just met another dead person? But how exactly did she collide with someone who's supposed to be permeable. Before Camila could ask, the other girl was gone and she was left in the middle of the hallway with nothing but the sound of the bell going off to signal the start of class.

Camila walked into her Music Interpretation course and spotted Normani, but before she could take a seat she felt a hand touch her shoulder and the images of a small child screaming and the sounds of guns flashed before her. Turning Camila was met with the same girl she had seen earlier only now her eyes were gray. "My name's Lauren, you dropped this earlier" she said handing Camila her journal before taking the seat another seat. Camila took her seat next to Normani, and the class began. Okay, if Lauren was dead why was she in high school and visible by others? Maybe she wasn't dead I mean that's plausible right? "Wrong" said a voice in her head, "Did you say something?" she asked the darker skinned girl but Normani shook her head "No? Are you okay Mila? You look kinda off, Is it Ally?" Camila shook her head no, Ally avoided the school at all costs "No, but you see that girl over there" she whispered pointing to Lauren, "I think she's dead?" Normani's eyes widened, she had known Camila for quite some time and knew of her gift but she had never actually seen a ghost. "I'm not crazy I swear, hear me out on this okay?" Normani nodded and listened as Camila had explained her logic.

Lauren chuckled to herself as she heard the girls behind her whisper their theories on what exactly she was. She had to admit she was kind of intrigued at the fact that the girl by the name of Camila could see her this morning, she was weaker than before and should've been invisible yet she still managed to collide with the other girl. The bell rang once more ending the class, as Lauren got up she turned to the two girls who just stared as she slid a note past to Camila before walking out of the class. Normani grabbed the piece of paper before Camila could even touch it and read it "Boo". "What an asshole" Normani said, throwing the paper away and grabbing her stuff "She must have over heard us" Camila said following the other girl, so much for junior year being normal.

AN: I have no idea

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2015 ⏰

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