A Robot Semi in Nevada?

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Too tall.

All of them were too tall. It was terrifying to consider one wrong step from them-

Nope. Don't you even think about that.

I felt like I was going to be sick.

"I could have just taken her to see my mom, you know." Jack's voice was quiet as he talked to Arcee. Despite her being the shortest of the three in the room, she scared me just as much. Her easy glare sent me into a smaller ball where I sat.

I didn't want to hear what Arcee was saying in response. We were waiting for one of them to come back from something, I couldn't really remember what.

The medic of their group was extremely grumpy. Honestly, I would have rather taken my chances with Arcee than him. I didn't care if he could help. The green one, at least, seemed pleasant enough compared to the other two.

"Please just let me go home..." My voice was barely a whisper as I hugged my knees to myself. I'd managed to find a small corner that felt the most safe on the platform, against the wall next to the tv.

I just wanted to feel safe.

I could hear the massive doors to the hidden base open, the same ones that the three of us drove through that nearly made me pass out again. I shuddered at that thought. Even with being warned about it, it still scared the utter hell out of me.

Moments later, the largest red and blue semi I'd ever seen was pulling into the main room. I didn't often see them, and definitely not up close. I noticed how everyone seemed to stand a little straighter at their appearance. I merely curled into my little ball a little further. I just didn't care how visibly scared I was anymore. Any sane person would be at least a bit scared at this point.

I watched as the semi broke apart, contorting and twisting into the form of a towering robot. For the first time today, I was just a little mesmerized by watching it happen. He didn't feel quite as scary, or dangerous, though his height against the others had me almost unable to breathe. I watched as his blue eyes scanned the room, meeting the other's gaze before stopping when his eyes landed on me.

The moment shattered. His entire attention was on me, and me alone. It was utterly terrifying, to have all that attention solely on me-

"She got caught in a 'con ambush with us." Arcee was the one who broke the brief silence, despite it feeling like forever. "She hasn't left that spot since we got here."


He was clearly the leader. There was no doubt about it. I shrank further into my arms, hugging my legs a little tighter to my body. I closed my eyes and just wished that everything would go away.

"Are you injured?"

The mechanical being was speaking again, to me now; that same deep baritone that couldn't be mistaken for anyone else but that red and blue semi.

For a moment, I debated whether I wanted to answer or not. Why did they care, anyways? I was a nobody, and these guys were clearly the opposite, whatever they were.

"...I don't think so..."

I'm tired of hiding everything...

I slowly pulled my head out from my arms, surprised to see that the same robot that asked the question had now stepped towards me, his full attention on me from across the guard rail. His eyes were piercing, electric blue watching me intently with concern.

"It would be best if our medic confirmed your health," he quietly rumbled.

My hands gripped at my arms a fraction tighter, and I rested my chin on them. I couldn't keep eye contact any longer, but at least his presence wasn't as intimidating as the others, surprisingly.

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