chqpter 2

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he jumped onto the bed right next to me, taking the book out of my hand.
'why won't you answer me?' he asks, staring into my eyes making me feel nervous.
'um.. i was too into the book..'
he grabbed the book, starting to read a bit of the page which had $mu7 in.
'so this is what you read? hm, interesting. maybe we can recreate..' he slightly mumbled at the end.
i took his phone and ran downstairs, waving it in the air and giggling. i reached a dead end near the kitchen before being pinned against the wall, both his hands on both sides.
'who's giggling now, hm?'
i quickly put his phone under my dress, preventing it from him to be able to get it.
'haha!! can you get it now?'
'oh i sure can.'
he slid his hand under my dress and grabbed his phone back.
'hmm, seemed pretty easy didn't it?'
i stared at him in shock.
'YOU BITCH!!'  i ran from him again until he tackled me on the couch.
he was on top of me, tickling me and making me laugh until he stopped for a moment.
'what? why are you just staring at me like that? is there something on my face?'
'no, you just... you're beautiful.'
i was stunned by what he said? is he drunk? is he crazy?
'you're beautiful.'
'thank you? are you okay?' i chuckled.
'of course i just felt like saying it..'
i stared at him for a moment, then looking at his hands. i saw he had a few rings on but one caught my eye.
'that ring is really pretty.'
'want it?'
i stared at him confused.
he took it off, putting it on my ring finger.
'it's now yours.'
'thanks, pretty boy.'

a few moments later i packed my things as it was time to go and said goodbye. i was back at home, texting h/n when he told me i had left my book at his house. ughhh, are you joking?

y/n: noo! i was planning on reading it on the way to school tomorrow!
h/n: book worm. anyway are you free tomorrow to tutor me again?
y/n: I AM NOT A BOOKWORM!! and yes i am free tomorrow but only if we get to play together on your xbox.
h/n: alright whatever, i'll see you tomorrow then.
y/n: yay!! bye!  

i turned my phone off and drifted off to sleep, finally getting some rest from today. i was thinking about earlier today and how fun it was.

i think i met the love of my life.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2022 ⏰

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