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You are a loyal person and stand to your opinions.

You like to be around people and relay on your friend/ or workers

You are trustable and everyone wants to be near you.

But sometimes you have your dark side and start shutting you out from others without/ and sometimes with reasons.

You are okay with society but quastion things quickly if you dont have any reasonable explanation for it.

If you dont understand things you ask about it to get the Info you didnt had bevore to get smarter than you were bevor.

If you dont understand things you ask about it to get the Info you didnt had bevore to get smarter than you were bevor

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You are trustable and trust other people.

You never or rarely come late for school/ work or meetings.

You rely on your friends more often than yourself but thats what makes you unique.

You like people around you and feel safe with social interaction.

I will help the ones that need it

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