Chapter One

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Danielle's P.O.V.

"Hi, viewers! I'm pretty sure you're wondering what a girl is doing on your TV screen right now as you wait for this stupid commercial break to be over so you can get back to your game but be mad no longer. My name is Danielle Scott, what's your name? Don't answer because I can't hear you, but I will when you watch the premiere of Basketball In Our Eyes which starts this weekend! I will be your amazing host and I would really like for all of you to stay connected with all of our social media accounts. Now, back to your game since you've been patiently waiting! But, you have to promise to watch this weekend. Do it!"

"And, cut!" The director said.

"How was it?" I asked, stepping down from the stage I was on.

"Perfect! You're a natural. Great job!" He smiled. I thanked him before I was met by my manager.

"Okay, nice work. Now, we have to do a quick meeting and then you can go home and get rest. Tomorrow you have a big day. Are you excited?" Michael said, smiling.

"Yes, I am extremely excited. But, also tired. We've been shooting these commercials all day," I pouted.

"I know, honey, but one more thing and you're off to dream land. Let's go!" I went into the dressing room and changed back into my own clothes before meeting Michael at the car. I got in the passenger's seat as he got into the driver's seat.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you but they figured out how the first show is going to go. I think they emailed it to either me or you. We can check tomorrow after you get some rest." Michael said, pulling onto the street.

"No, let's check tonight! I can't wait, I'm so stoked for this show." I said.

"You're perfect for the host. I'm happy they picked you and not some wannabe funny person. At least you're naturally funny," He said.

"Well, I'm naturally amazing, but, you know." He rolled his eyes. "So, what's this meeting for?"

"I think it's just going over guidelines. It shouldn't take long." Good thing the headquarters was only a few minutes away from where I was previously. Michael and I got out of the car and walked inside of the building.

"Ms. Scott," The lady at the front desk greeted me.

"Hi," I smiled, politely.

"They are waiting for you on the 8th floor," I thanked her before walking over to the elevator, Michael on my heels.

"Why don't they ever have meeting on the first floor?" I mumbled.

"Because, they're high people. Who meets on the first floor anyways? That's where all the social stuff happens, like cafés and food courts, not important meetings." We got on the elevator and I pressed the 8 button. We waited until the doors opened and we were met by a blonde woman.

"Good afternoon, Ms. Scott. This way, please," Michael and I followed her through some halls until we came to an office. She opened the doors for us.

"Ah, nice to see you, Danielle." Adam Silver said to me.

"You, too, Mr. Silver." I smiled, giving him a small hug.

"I don't want to keep you too long since I know you are busy. Have a seat," He motioned to a chair in front of his desk.

"Thank you," I put my bag down next to the chair before sitting down.

"I just wanted to touch base with you about some things. How would you feel about having players guest star on the show?" He asked.

"Oh, my god, that would be amazing," I nodded.

"Great, so I know they emailed you about the first show but I'm going to work to change some things. Since the show is based in Cleveland, I thought it would only be right have a Cavalier on the show. I booked Kevin Love for the premiere. The plan was that you were going to interview him for a few minutes, then maybe you guys could play one-on-one for fun. I thought it would be good to show that you're not some amateur, acting as if you didn't know what you would be doing, and that you're an actual player."

"That's a great idea, Mr. Silver. Thank you," I said.

"Of course," He smiled.

That Weekend - On Set for Basketball In Our Eyes

"Welcome to the premiere of Basketball In Our Eyes! I am your host Danielle Scott," I smiled at the camera. "We have a big show for you all tonight! Not only will you be able to see my pretty face for the next hour, you will also be seeing another pretty face. That of the hometown, Cleveland Cavalier power forward, Kevin Love. Can you feel the love yet? If not, just wait until the Cavalier stud shows his face."

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