3 - You Better Know

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(The action of this chapter is set before the first chapter of the book.)


I could finally go back to South Korea after all this time of living in Canada. I tried contacting Joo-Hyunnie but she didn't answer me. We barely spoke to each other.

I made a new friend. Joy, she is very nice and supportive towards me but I sometimes feel like she gets really over protective over me. I also managed to keep in contact with Seulgi.

We both planned to move to South Korea and all live together with Joy as a three. I'm really looking forward to that. It was summer and we decided that it was the best time to finally move in.

I packed my bags and left the house. I said goodbye to my parents and hugged them. My dad offered to help me carry my bags to car so I accepted his offer.

Outside I saw Joy standing next to the taxi with the door opened. She waved and smiled.

"Mr. Son." Said Joy smiling at my father. He smiled back at her.

"Please take care of each other." He said to both of us.

"Sure thing sir." Joy replied with a reassuring smile.

We loaded my bags into the car and I gave my last good bye to my dad.

We set off. It wasn't that long of a journey to the airport. At home I made sure that the things I wanted to but couldn't take with me are all packed into cardboard boxes ready to be sent to our new apartment.

I texted Seulgi that we already arrived at the airport and were waiting in the queue for checking up. After that, we were going through the security procedures and then we were in the waiting area for 5 hours.


Anyways, after those long 5 hours we finally boarded the plane and I passed Seulgi a quick message that we boarded the plane finally so she can know to track the plane so she can know when she should go to pick us up.


The flight went pretty smoothly. I slept like for only some of it so I was a little tired. Joy slept when I didn't so she got a bit more sleep than me. Anyway, we got off the plane after like 20 minutes of waiting to leave the plane so that was pretty cool.

So, we went through border control and then got all of our baggages and just behind the door we saw Seulgi standing there waiting for us. We left the airport and got our bags into her car.

Out apartment wasn't that far away so the ride wasn't that long. Fortunately. To be honest I just wanted to go to sleep after the whole day. Airports really stress me out usually.

Unfortunately there was nothing in the fridge so that meant we had to go to a shop to buy food. We went to a near supermarket for today because it like seven and we didn't need to do like a full on groceries shopping so we just bought like couple of ready dishes that you would just put in an oven and it would done.

When we were inside, Seulgi met with like her friend there. Her name was Yeri. Seulgi introduced us all to each other. It was a bit weird because when Seulgi said my name. Yeri's smile turned into an emotionless look with her eyebrows slightly raised.

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