Virgo x Leo

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Virgo is female

Leo is male

Virgo gets ready for school, getting dressed, brushing her hair and making it look nice, brushing teeth, etc.
Leo is getting ready too combing his brown hair, and putting on cologne and clothes, and brushing his teeth.
Leo and Virgo were already dating and had been for about a month, so Leo picked his girlfriend Virgo up to take her to school. (as usual)
Virgo tried to look extra clean and nice for her boyfriend Leo but she usually looked really nice anyways.
Virgo looked at herself in the mirror making sure her blond hair looked fine still. Virgo then looked out the window to see if her boyfriend was there yet, and he was.

Time skip to school
Leo usually sat by most of his friends at lunch but he instead sat by only his best friend and his girlfriend. Leo flirted with Virgo a lot and talked to his best friend Sagittarius occasionally. After awhile lunch ended, ( which felt like only 10 minutes to Virgo and Leo)which meant that was the last time they got to see each other until Leo took Virgo home.

-- Time skip till Leo takes Virgo home --

Leo waited for Virgo outside while he said bye to his friends from school. Virgo got outside after a minute or two and Virgo and Leo held hands till they got to his car.
They chatted on the way to Virgo's home. Virgo arrived at her house and kissed Leo on the cheek, "Bye, said Virgo.
"Bye.." said Leo watching her enter her house, Leo waved and left.

Sorry for very little dialogue... Hope it was okay though!!

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