02. armin's request

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Summary: After an evening at Eren's house, you learn crucial things about Armin.


It was yet another hot day, though cooler than the last. You found yourself alone with Armin for a second time, but luckily in a far less intimate situation.

It had been two days since the deal...or rather, suggestion. It was only a suggestion.

For now.

The more you thought about it, the more the idea sounded jarring. You might've nodded at his words, but you doubted your ability to score him a girlfriend. Even so, you wouldn't—and couldn't—doubt his seriousness. Armin was honest and rarely spoke with hidden meanings.

Perhaps you should be willing to help him.

Anything for your sweet, sweet, best friend, right?

You hadn't gotten a chance to talk it through before Eren phoned for you to get back into the room. A day flew past in a breeze, then another, and here you were, sailing where the wind took you.

Apparently, the wind took you to Armin's car.

"I wonder what Eren called us over for," Armin mumbled, languidly pushing up his glasses with one hand and clutching onto the steering wheel with the other.

The faint hum of music buzzed in your ears, and you mindlessly watched the slow blur of trees and houses pass by from the passenger window. It was late afternoon—almost evening, and the hearth of the sun seemed to melt into the horizon. Purples and oranges and reds wept along the sun's trail until you couldn't discern them anymore, pooling together in a captivating blend like watercolor on a canvas. Carpooling with Armin was often peaceful and comforting, with soft music and dulcet air conditioning. He had insisted he give you a ride today.

Nearly missing the words that tumbled out of his mouth, you snapped out of your reverie and turned your head to face him.

"Hopefully it's not something stupid. What if he just misses us?" you laughed, though you doubted the latter was the actual reason. All you knew was that Eren sent a vague "guys come over" to the group chat, and Mikasa was quickly on her way before the rest of you could ask for an explanation. Armin had picked you up from your shift at the cafe earlier, and the two of you were heading to Eren's house.

Nevertheless, there was nothing to worry about. It would just be another harmless hangout at Eren's. Nothing out of the ordinary—not even his unexcused dryness. Plus, you'd be lying if you said you didn't want to see him.

"He probably needs something from us." You turn your head back to the window, its passing scenery greeting you once again. "Not that I'm complaining," you muttered, smiling to yourself.

That reminded you of your confession the other day.

Shit. That must've reminded Armin, too. He hadn't mentioned anything about it so far, so you weren't going to bring it up. Better to keep it that way.

From your peripheral, you saw him tense up. He was going to say something about it, wasn't he?

But he didn't.

Instead, he kept driving, eyes trained upfront.

You sighed, not realizing you were tense, too. Right now wouldn't be a good time as Eren's house neared closer and closer. It was almost foreboding, like a bewitched, haunted house in the midst of a sunny suburb. You swore the more you anticipated meeting the all-too-familiar person who dwelled inside the house, the more the spell seemed to lure you further.

AFTER DARK. Armin x ReaderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora