Chapter 4

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  It's been 2 days after he broke his glasses. And today, he's supposed to take his new glasses at the Owl's Glass. "It's November but it's so darn cold, ugh, I'm pretty sensitive with the cold.." he muttered as he isn't wearing anything. Sonic go out from his room and was about to leave. He opens the door and hit something. "Ouch! what the....." surprisingly, Metal Sonic is in front of his door. 

  "GAAAHHHH!!!! METAL SONIC!??!?!??" he screams in shock. " . . . " the robot doesn't seems to react with Sonic's reaction. "WHA-  What are you doing here Metal??!?" the hedgehog pat's his clone's shoulder armour. " . . . " it didn't answer. "Uh... Mets?" 

  Suddenly the robot pinned the blue blur down. "?!" he slightly blush a little as he is getting the nervous feeling. "Eggman told me, that you have an Alter Ego" the robot talks in a straight tone. "A-Alter..?". "Affirmative, and I am here to observe you for my data" it speaks again. Sonic is pretty concern by what Metal just said.

  "S-So like.. are you... going to kill me...???" he stutters. "I have no permissions to kill you" the robot gets up and stare his rival menacingly. "Uh huh..... well, I don't understand what are you talking about, but right now I need to get my glasses.." the blue blur gets up and walk out. The blue robot follows him on every step.

  "U-Umm.. Metal..?" he look back, noticing that Metal Sonic is following him from he back. "Why are you following me??". "As I said, I am collecting data, basically, don't mind me here and do what you are going to do" he shrugs off, giving a chill vibe to calm Sonic down. "err.. okay.....?" Sonic continues his walk to the glasses shop. 

  'I don't feel comfortable tho..'  the blue blur runs with the robot following his tail. 'LEAVE ME ALOOONEEE!!!!!!!'

  "okay.. I got my glasses already, hey Mets, wanna go to a cafe? my treat" he smiled as he is patting Metal's head. "Don't. Pat. Me." he beeps in anger. "chuckles  you can't hurt me~  let's just go then". "No, I want YOU to WEAR that glasses..!" he pulls the hedgehog to the same place again and holds him. "H-Hey! what's the being deal?!?" trying to get off from Metal Sonic holding him. "You are going to show your other alter..!!" the robot flew while bringing the hedgehog with him.

  "Put me down..!" he insist. But the robot seems to ignored him until they meet their destination. The robot gets into the house and threw Sonic by the wall. "Youch! what was that for!?" Sonic hissed madly. "Now show me" Metal crosses his hand and glance down to Sonic. "Show what???". "Your other self". "First of all, why, second, what you mean by my other self-" haven't finished talking, Metal pinned Sonic to the ground and got his head hits the floor. 

  "u-ugh....". "Now tell me, why you keep making and going into characters?!" beeping yell to the poor hedgehog. "what do you mean by characters???" Sonic slowly moves back and got him self a dead end, the corner. "Tell me, I know you understand what I'm trying to say" glaring madly as the robot waiting for the hedgehog's answer. "I don't know...!! stop it!" he yelled back to the robot. 

  Metal Sonic seems to be pissed with Sonic rejecting it. He grabs Sonic's chest and squeeze gently. Sonic yelp and moaned, but he snapped and covers his mouth with both of his hand wile blushing. "M-Metal you..." he whispers. "Answer me, now..! HOW many characters YOU HAVE!?!" the robot yells again. "C-C-Countless...!" Sonic began to tear up. "Good, now.. WHO are you doing it RIGHT NOW!?" the robot squeezes harder making the blue blur moans once again.

  "MeeT--haaa..~ STooP! I can't- I CAN'T ANSWER IF YOU KEEP DOING THESE..!!!". "THEN TELL ME ALREADY!". Sonic stares at the robot clone in a hated-fear way as the robot it self stares him in intimidation. "S-Soni..c....." he stutters and his tears are falling bit by bit. "I was asking with those glasses" the squeeze this time isn't like before, the sharp claws makes a little cuts. "grrh...... I can't tell you-"


"N-NICKY..!!!! NICKY!!!!!!"




  After hearing the last question, Sonic pinned his ear down and stop crying. Metal scratch his chest again that it bleeds a little. "Nicky.... is the real me.." he lowered down his voice. "Disgusting, and by that, what makes your self to be Nicky?" Metal also lowered down his voice. "Listen, I'm tired being Sonic, I don't like to be Sonic, I can't even play Sonic properly.. I just want to rest with the Sonic stuff" his ear pinned down. 

  Metal didn't react to it for several seconds then he reply with this, "So Sonic, is also your character, your alter, then who is the real you!? now just listen, the more you do this switching character and stuff, you'll slowly lost the real you, that's it, it's all clear now, YOU are a DISGUSTING actor..!" Metal gets up and pull out bandage rolls from his chest hole and threw it to Sonic that is sitting down at the floor. No words when he leaves.

  "Metal wait! please keep this a secret, I don't want anyone knows about this..!!!" Sonic gets up and faces towards the door that is open wide with Metal walking away. The robot clone doesn't flinch a bit and just continue his walk. "I hope he can kept it a secret--KKH!!? r-right... I need to bandage my chest.. what was the squeezing thing for tho?".

  Sonic wraps his chest with the bandage roll Metal gave to him carefully. He then took the glasses on the floor, in a box covering. "I'm glad that my glasses did not break again, well then, I can't show my body with my chest wraps like this, I guess I'll just be Nicky" after closing the exit door, he runs to his room and change him self neatly.

  After done, he turns on the fan and lays down at his bed, wondering something. 'what is Metal trying to say..?  I believe that he's trying to warns me, but the warning seems to be the same like Vanilla's.. is... this a good path I'm doing right now..?' . His eyes slowly sealed and the blue hedgehog falls asleep calmly. 

  Hello, I'm sorry that I haven't upload this chapter. It's been like forever waiting for the update ahaha. I was doing my exam and I can't distract my self (eventho I do got distracted) BUT BUT BUT, the point is, I'm done with everything now and I'm in holiday. That's why I continued this and upload at the same day :D

~Kaira the cat

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