Chapter 24

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Amaia fiddled with the felt tip pen in her hand steadily before observing her surroundings thoroughly. A police officer was busy marking all of the evidence with the forensic specialist who was busy examining the dried blood and Amaia breathed heavily as she watched. She blinked rapidly as she bit her bottom lip harshly.

"Madam president, we will find out who did this," A gruff voice said earnestly, "I assure you." "Good," Amaia said firmly while putting her hands on her desk. "So far my team has three potential suspects," The gruff man said earnestly, "I will update you on this situation as we collect more information madam president." "Thank you, detective," Amaia said bluntly before she slowly turned off the large TV screen before resting her palm underneath her chin. "Why was he out there..." Amaia trailed off while she raised her brow leisurely, "I just do not get it." Amaia tapped her chin thoughtfully as her blank stare lowered to the ground. "None of this makes sense," She muttered quietly as her eyes darted to a photograph of the deceased vice president. Amaia furrowed her brow before rubbing her left eye leisurely. She huffed faintly before she continued writing her formal letter.

"What have you lost?"

A camera flashed brightly.

"Tell me what she took from you."

The camera flashed again.

Sylvia huffed as she folded her hands in her lap, "So far Genesis has taken a lot from me," She began faintly, "Down from my family to my closest friends I am assuming." "What do you mean by that last part?" Celica questioned as her brow rose. Sylvia hesitated before she gazed down at her lap, "I just have a feeling... a bad one," She gulped, "Genesis has something to do with most things in my life." Slowly, Sylvia glanced up at Celica and said firmly, "She always does for some reason."

Celica nodded sternly as a frown settled across her face, however she refrained from inquiring further. "Thank you for answering my questions, Sylvia," Celica paused as a warm smile replaced her deep frown, "I really appreciate it." "Yeah," Sylvia muttered, her gaze locked on the wall in front of her. "Give me a moment I will be right back." Celica's footsteps eventually faded and Sylvia huffed vigorously as she bowed her head. What happened to my friends? She tapped her foot impatiently against the dense ground before she sighed deeply. Where is Nathan and Amy? Her brow furrowed and a sense of uneasiness settled within the pits of her stomach as she pondered deeply. Her heart began pounding against her chest and her body began trembling.

She rubbed her now stinging neck and she groaned gently. She squeezed her eyes shut when the world began swaying quickly once more. "Everything ok?" Celica asked faintly as she walked back in the small room. Sylvia could only manage to nod briefly as her mind began to race swiftly. "You sure," Celica asked as she gazed at Sylvia. Sylvia breathed slowly and Celica kneeled down beside her. Sylvia slowly opened her eyes again, "You should come lay down," Celica said calmly as she stood up, "You are not looking too good." Celica helped Sylvia up and sat her down on the nearby sofa before Sylvia instantly laid down.

"Let me know if you are not feeling well immediately next time," Celica said earnestly, "You were barely discharged, so I do not expect you to be fully recovered yet." Sylvia did not even bother to say anything else as she buried the palms of her hands in her face. "Let me go get you some medicine for that fever," Celica said faintly before pausing briefly, "And just so you know I will help you find what you lost Sylvia. It is the least I could do for you." Cold sweat ran down Sylvia's neck and she felt affiliated with sorrow like never before. What if I do not find my friends? Sylvia breathed slowly before clenching her fists. No way... Genesis is not allowed to take one more person away from me.

"I just will not let her," Sylvia muttered rather peevishly, "Not this time."

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