Chapter 9

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They talked and talked for hours, just like they always did. They watched a movie while eating pizza and then started watching a series that they thought might be interesting, but while they were watching it, Patroclus yawned.

"Are you tired?" Achilles asked

"A little bit, yeah." Patroclus replied as he rubbed his eyes.

"Makes sense, you did wake up pretty early, after all." Achilles looks at his phone "and it's also getting pretty late, so maybe we should go to sleep already"

"Yup. Good idea, I'm exhausted..." He suddenly realized something. "Wait, I don't even know where I'm supposed to sleep"

"Oh, right. Well, you could use the guest room..." Achilles looked away from Patroclus as he said: "or, you could also sleep in my room if you want"

"Alright, but where's the gue- wait. What?"

"I mean as in like, you can sleep on the bed and I'll use the sleeping bags that we never used. Unless you want to..."

They both stare at each other with a bit of shock in their faces, Patroclus is more flustered than shocked, but Achilles can't believe he even dared to say that. What if he scared Patroclus away on the exact same day they became a couple?

"I'll go look for the sleeping bag." Achilles said as he rushed upstairs, he then came back after remembering that Patroclus didn't know where his room was. "Sorry, follow me and I'll show you where my room is." Patroclus followed him into his room and Achilles rushed out of the room right after they got there.

Patroclus looked around a bit, but he didn't dare to touch anything, in fear he might mess up something. There were books on the table beside his bed, which was probably his 'study station' he always talked about. There are also a bunch of photos of him, most of them looked like they were taken during a sports event. There were medals and trophies as well, he really was a talented boy.

"What are you looking at?" Achilles' voice startled Patroclus a little bit.

"Just, looking around a little..." something caught his eye "Is that you?"

"Oh, yeah. That's from when I participated in some running race" Achilles went to stand next to Patroclus and pointed at the younger him smiling in that picture. "I was like, 10 at the time, I think."

"Well, you look absolutely adorable in this photo." He stared at the picture a little longer and then looked at Achilles. "So, you were pretty interested in sports as a kid, huh?"

"Well, yeah. But I've always been more interested in music, I've always wanted to be a famous musician some day." Achilles looked at Patroclus only to find him staring at him. "Is there something on my face or do you want a kiss?"

"Why are you acting like you don't already know the answer?" They kiss once again. It's just a quick kiss but still makes them smile like idiots, Patroclus still can't believe that this day was real.

"Alright then, we should go to sleep now, it's almost 11 pm." Achilles said as he checked the time on his phone. "You sleep on the bed, I'll sleep in the sleeping bag. And before you ask no, I will not let you sleep in the sleeping bag just because you feel bad about taking the bed."

"You know me too well. I'll go change into my pjs... where's the bathroom, again?"

"Down the hall to the left"

"Alright, thanks." Patroclus grabbed his pjs and walked out of the room.

Achilles decided to take this time to also change clothes, he changed into a plain white shirt and a pair of shorts, Patroclus got back to the room just a while after Achilles finished changing.

"Don't say anything about what I'm wearing." At first Achilles was a bit confused as to what he meant, but then he turned to look at him and realized why he had said that. "I thought I brought my pjs that weren't, you know, this" it was okay for the most part, until you saw the shirt. It had a dinosaur on it. Not even a small one, it was so big it covered the entire chest area.

"Alright, alright. I won't say anything." Achilles was trying to hold back his laughter. He could not take Patroclus seriously when he was wearing dinosaur pjs. He got in the sleeping bag and Patroclus layed down on the bed. "Good night, Patroclus."

"Good night, Achilles."

They both fell asleep a few moments later.

Author here, hi. Sorry, this is a bit shorter than usual but I'm in exam week rn so, I can't make this any longer if I do want to publish it this week. But next chapter will be longer to compensate for this one. Have a nice day!

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