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"Get her!" Their captain ordered

"Yes, sir" said his dogs

"Hey! You! Stop right there!" One of his dog bark

'like hell i'll stop' I thought.

Who in their right mind will stop knowing that they'll get hurt when they stop. Tsk.

I continue jumping in branch of the tree. I see some of them catching up.
I want to avoid fighting as soon as possible because I have to go there as soon as possible but, I think fate doesn't want me to.

I stop and face them. I start performing hand sign and a water appear and engulfed them, their body merge with the water leaving no trace of them. I create this jutsu Last year when I was in a hurry to hide the corpse of the people I killed. It can kill and it allow me to use the physical features of the people engulfed of this jutsu. I know it sounds crazy but, yeah. Though this jutsu takes a lot of chakra so I'm just using this once

I rest and after resting I continue jumping in branch and finally! I can see the Hidden Leaf Village's Big gate. I'm finally here! I'm finally home! I miss my Aunt! I can't wait to see her though I know she will definitely scold me for leaving without telling her but nevermind. 

I walked as I get closer to the gate. There are two guy guarding the gate.


The two guards put their guard up as soon as they saw a person wearing a red cloak walking towards them.
They stopped the person

"Who are you?" Asked the guard with brown hair and  dark eyes with his hair down that covering his right eye.

"What is your business here in the middle of the night?" The other guard asked. He has long spiky black hair and black eyes. He has a strip of bandage running across the bridge of his nose and a light coloured marking on his chin

The girl stopped and looked at them

"I'm...Nariko Senju..." The girl utter


A/N: End of Chapter 1 I hope you enjoy!
Next chapter!!!

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