Hearts Collide

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When they first collide, his head in the clouds, Dongmin wants to cry –that is just the umpteenth bad event of an even worse day. He mutters a quick, low apology and he is about to walk off when he notices the white cane that rolled a few feet away, making him feel even guiltier.
"Oh gosh, I didn't- let me help you!" he exclaims, crouching down to pick it up. "Are you okay?"
"It is not the first time"; despite the slight crack, the voice sounds gentle, almost amused, no signs of anger or resentment whatsoever. "I hope you didn't get hurt"
Dongmin's reply dies in his throat as he straightens up and takes a proper look, because out of all the people he has ever crashed with by accident, the guy standing in front of him is simply on another level of charming and definitely his ideal type. In a rare impetus of boldness, moved by who knows which obscure force, he decides he wants to make a move, there and then.
"I am fine", he says, frenetically searching for an excuse. "Listen, I know it is absurd since we don't know each other but-"
Traffic light switches to green, the acoustic signal ringing in their ears, and the guy pouts. "I would love to stay and talk to you, but it is already so late and I really need to go before I get in troubles"
Dongmin's hopes deflate like a balloon. "Oh, of course, I- sure, I won't keep you here"
"I wish you would", he laughs. "It was nice meeting you!"
Dongmin can only wave back, the sensation of having missed the biggest chance lingering until that night.

Luck must be on his side, however, because he finds him in the exact same spot the day after and, most of all, he manages to not trip over air as he approaches.
"Hi, stranger who almost killed me!"
"How did you-"
"Superpowers", he grins. "Just kidding, I heard you talking on the phone"
"Best way to avoid another incident", Dongmin chuckles, warmth spreading in his chest at the thought of being remembered by such a small detail. "I am still sorry about it, I wasn't paying attention"
"Don't worry, it is not a big deal. Didn't you want to ask me something, before I ran away?"
Oh, that. Dongmin hesitates, words struggling to come out -it is a little too straightforward for his liking. "I was wondering if you wanted to grab a coffee? Together?"
There is no doubt in his reply. "Sure"
"I could never say no to coffee, as long as you pay", he winks. "I don't know your name"
"Dongmin. Yours?"
"Bin. There is this nice place a couple of blocks down- I am free right now, if that is okay for you?"
Although he has put himself in that situation, Dongmin knows better than to just jump into the arms of a stranger, especially if it is all going so fast and smoothly that it feels suspicious -but as Bin patiently waits for his answer, squinting his eyes at the sunlight, something tells Dongmin that he can lower his guard this time, that he can let go and just try. So, he follows along and prays for the best.

"Did it get better?" Bin suddenly asks in the middle of the conversation.
"Whatever was bothering you yesterday, you seemed pretty upset"
"I didn't say anything about it?"
"I know", he shrugs, sipping at his drink. "I just guessed"
Dongmin doesn't like showing his emotions, being stripped of the made up confidence he always wears, turned into the perfect, weakest prey; he has been hurt way too many times and learned his lessons, to just let anyone enter his life, but with Bin, it feels easy. While people usually pretend to get on his good side, to obtain something from him, Bin is sincere, without filters, caring in his brutal honesty -it is endearing and damn refreshing and maybe Dongmin needs someone who can connect with him like that, without judging, as if they have known each other since forever and not for the span of a mere afternoon.
"It is okay if you don't want to tell me", Bin adds. "I have tons of other stories to entertain you instead!"
Dongmin can't help but smile. "I would love to hear them"

Bin has a way with words that tugs at Dongmin's heartstrings.
He takes his time to sort out thoughts and emotions, and no matter if it is about how he has lost his sight or the first dancing competition he won, it all sounds like a fairytale. Sitting in that cozy café, Dongmin could listen to him for hours, observing the way his face lits up and voice raises excitedly at the memories, or the gravity he holds when pain from the past comes back unexpectedly. Dongmin learns more about Bin in those hours than he ever had of his best friends in years, and it blows his mind.
Sun is setting when they get out, and on his way home, after making him promise they will meet again, he can't stop thinking about how Bin can be so welcoming, so curious towards whatever and whoever life throws at him - Dongmin, always wary and scared even of his own shadow, just can't comprehend how.

But as strong as he is, Bin falters, too.
At first, Dongmin has no idea of what to do: though they have gotten close, weeks after weeks of shared study sessions and lazy walks down the seaside, when Bin breaks without warning Dongmin doesn't know how far he may venture without aggravating the situation.
"Is it okay if I touch you?" he tries. "Or I can leave if- if you need to be alone"
Bin reaches for his arm, unsure of his surroundings as panic clogs his mind and nullifies his senses. "Please. Stay, please, I-"
"I am here", Dongmin murmurs as he wraps him in a hug. "I am not going anywhere, breathe with me and it will be alright"
He doesn't ask, but Bin explains anyway. He tells him how he has come to terms with his condition ages ago, so young he doesn't really remember what normality is, and how he doesn't feel incomplete or missing of anything, but that some days it becomes too much, too loud, too difficult even for him, his head hurting from the multitude of simultaneous impulses.
Dongmin listens carefully and when it happens again, he steps in, offering comforting words and soothing lullabies, or taking him to scream and let it all out in the middle of nowhere. He is relieved when Bin finally doesn't try to hide it anymore, allowing himself to admit that it is not so easy as he makes it seem, that he can ask for support.
And while Dongmin does his best to make Bin at ease, it is like he is getting helped, too. With him, life feels like an adventure: from a simple movie together to volunteer at the local blind center, Dongmin has to reconsider everything he thought he knew and rediscovers the pleasure of being able to try, to make mistakes, to learn without the pressure of being perfect all the time. Bin is with him at every step, enthusiastic and patient, never downplaying his complexes and daily struggles. Dongmin finally feels understood and maybe Bin isn't aware of how he is completely turning his whole vision of life, but whichever magic he is performing, it is working.

There is just one thing that keeps bugging Dongmin, because he realizes that while he can be his eyes, it will never be the same, and it is so unfair how the world is able to witness Bin's existence, but Bin can't actually enjoy what the world has to offer. It kills Dongmin inside, and he can't get it off his mind as they lie under a cherry three one morning and he describes the particularly beautiful pink shade of blossomed flowers to Bin, petals falling on their hair.
"What's wrong?"
Bin's ability to catch every single shift in his mood still leaves him speechless. Dongmin sighs, shaking his head.
"Why do you trust me so much?"
It is not exactly what he wanted to ask, nor that he doesn't believe Bin or the bond they have, but the question leaves his lips before he can stop it.
"You are a pretty soul, Dongmin", Bin smiles, fingers lacing to his. "Inside and outside, I don't need to see you to know that"
In that precise moment, Dongmin realizes he may have fallen a little harder than he thought. He doesn't know if it could be the same for Bin, though.
"How can you say that when- what if I am the ugliest person ever and I am just messing with you?"
"I doubt it. Even if you were, I don't care". A pause. "I would kiss you anyway"
"W-Would you?"
"You only live once, right?" Bin's laughter sounds like music. "All you have to do is ask"
Dongmin doesn't go further than a ever so light brush of lips, but it is like he is dreaming. "Do you really think I'm pretty?"
"Yes", Bin confirms, hands meeting the soft skin of Dongmin's cheeks. "Your face is just as nice as your voice, as your thoughts, as your whole way of being - I know I would love it if I could see you for real"
Dongmin is not sure if he believes in fate, coincidences or all those stories about red strings that people seem so obsessed with, or what will happen between them from now on, but in a world that only sees his beauty, Bin's blindness is like the universe telling him there is still hope.

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