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Zebras. Lots of zebras. Exactly 26 zebras. All lined up in a row. Not your ordinary zebras, but duck zebras (I might say zebras a lot in this book)
It not exactly what you might think. It's a rare, beautiful species of zebra. They look normal, but orange and have the brain of an octopus.

Everyone knows zebras only speak French, but these zebras only speak English! Who's ever heard of that? Crazyness.
Their natural habitat is Africa but has somehow travelled to the Amazon jungle to hang with hippos! Oh well, this is a story about how the first ever person found exactly 26 rare, orange zebras lined up in a row
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Since zebras now like in the Amazon, Markus and his friend Bill somehow came across these creatures.
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"Holy Moly!" Yelled Bill stumbling across the Amazon with Marcus.
"Look at these amazing monkeys!
They swing, glide and wait for it, D-A-N-C-E!"
"Geez bill. We need to get these papers into Kelly and Josè at the shop! Calm down! It's just a monkey! We have those back home at the zoo!"
Suddenly, a portal appeared.
"Oh my goodness! This is epic!"
"Oh my gosh bill, your such a nerd. Should we go in?" Asked Marcus. "Of course we should!"

They stepped into the portal.

"Wow, it smells good in here" said bill.

"Um... Hi there.."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2015 ⏰

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