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"Oh wow, you know I forget that you are like crazy rich?" I say to Lando when we walk into the hotel room. It was a grand suite in a hotel in Imola. The room was quite large with a queen size bed, a little kitchen and even a sitting area with two couches. I walk over to the big windows and see they open up to a little balcony that has two chairs and a table cramped onto them.

"Is that an insult or a complement?" Lando laughs when I turn back to him. "Neither, just a comment really. You're 22 and can afford all of this, but that's understandable because you've been working hard to get here." I reply, walking over to the bed and letting myself fall onto it. The mattress dents under my weight and I feel it dent in on the other side.

"It's booked by the team, the room I mean, but thanks for not calling me a rich snob." Lando smiles at me when I tilt my head up so I look at him up-side-down. "You're welcome I guess?" I laugh and shuffle a little to lay a little bit more comfortable on the bed. "This bed is nice." I say content and close my eyes for a second.

"Then you take it. I'll take the couch." He says and I feel him get up from the bed. I feel a little guild ball form in my stomach. "I don't want to make you sleep on the couch, you're the one that needs to be well rested. I'll take the couch." I turn on my belly and look at him taking the luggage to the closet.

"No, really it's okay. I don't want you to feel obligated to sleep with me." I grin at him because of the comment and he gives me a look, "in the same bed, not like.. You get what I mean." He laughs and throws a t-shirt at me. I laugh and grab the shirt, it's a McLaren shirt and I hide on the side of the bed before he wants it back. Maybe I can put it on later. "You really need to stop with the innuendo's," I tell him.

"I'm not the one with the perverted mind that keeps interpreting my words the wrong way," he accuses me and I shrug. "I'm a 22 year old with hormones, it's an unconscious process." I defend myself. Lando laughs at that and turns to me. "I'm also a 22 year old, don't I get the same free-pass?"

I throw a pillow at him, "don't take down my well thought of arguments, Norris."

He throws the pillow back and looks at me with a little smile. "It should be intimidating when you say my last name, but I actually like the sound." He winks challengingly and returns to putting his clothes away. I get the playful hint and get off the bed to walk towards him. I hide my nerves in my voice quite well when I say, "Lando Norris," and go stand in front of him. He looks at me and seems to have lost his words. I feel my heartbeat quicken with every inch that disappears between us. I walk closer until there are only a few inches between us. "Okay, full name sounds even better," he says in a softer tone and I see him swallow heavily. I take it even further by stepping as close as I can. I look at him. His eyes are a beautiful colour blue with a green band around his iris. He stares at me and I can feel his breath on my skin.

Then I look away and reach behind him. I grab the handle of my suitcase and walk around him, making my way over to the couch. I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding and regained my composure. I didn't know where that rush of confidence came from, but I'm proud of myself for daring to be a little playful. It has been a long time since I let that side of myself out. I hear Lando clear his throat and get the feeling he wants to say something.

When he says nothing I don't focus on him anymore and open my suitcase on the couch to get my toiletries. I turn to Lando who finished putting his clothes in the closet and is now leaning against it with his phone in his hands. "I'm going to freshen up a bit. Do I need to be chic for this 'thing'," I make air quotes with my fingers, "tonight?"

"No, It's casual, but I would love to see you make an effort for me." He says, looking up from his phone with a grin. I give him a look of annoyance and he laughs at me. "See you," I say while walking into the bathroom. "Have fun!" I hear him call after me before I shut the door.

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