~~Lost and Found~~ (Part 1)

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Oops-- Happy pride month🏳️‍🌈. I apologize for being so late, I had so many things to do.

I hope this chapter makes it a whole lot better!

It was dark....

....and cold.

A blond boy was riding on his bicycle to his way back home. He was surrounded only by very high trees and nothing else. Unlike his other friends, his house was farther but that didn't really bother him.

As he was ridding his bike on the road, enjoying the weather, he heard something in the woods. He stopped and looked around his surroundings. He was sure he heard something, it sounded more like someone stepped on a branch.

But who could be there in the middle of the night?

"Um, who's there?" Lloyd yelled.

He took of his helmet to see more clearly on whoever was there. Then again, he heard another sound but this time he wasn't sure what it was.

He tightly gripped the handle of his bike. Was he.... imagining this? He took a deep breath.

'I must be..'

He put the helmet back on his head and started to ride off again but not before glancing at the woods. But he couldn't help but feel like someone was watching him. He shrugged that feeling off and continued his journey home.

As he was near to his destination he saw someone in the woods. That someone wasn't clear enough for Lloyd to see. He wasn't even sure if it was a someone. Lloyd stopped his bike once again and quickly but carefully got off his bike.

Just as he was about to walk towards the creature, it opened it's creepy red eyes, smiling crazy. Lloyd's eyes widened as the creature starts walking slowly towards him. Lloyd, hurriedly, gets on the bicycle and speeds off, riding fast as he can to try to lose track from the creature. He glanced back to see the creature was still there behind him, not too far behind.

'But how?'

He suddenly lost balanced and crashed into the woods. He rubbed his head in pain and quickly got off from the ground. He left his bike and ran between the woods, hoping to find his home on the way.

Running for a while, Lloyd started to feel exhausted but he couldn't stop running, the creepy creature was still behind and there is no knowing what it needs from him. He saw a small white house in the far distance and he knew he found it. His home. He ran faster, not caring anymore about how tired he was.

He burst open the doors, noticing it was dark. He quickly closed the door and lock it. He sighed in relief and looked around.

"Mom? Mom! Anyone here? Kai?" He yelled, opening every door in the house but it was all empty.

'Where are they?'

Lloyd looked out from the window to see the creature almost reaching the house of his. He needed to think fast as he was shaking ever so slightly of fear. What could he do? He wasn't ever prepared for something like this to happen. He grabbed a bat which was laying on the ground and walked towards the main entrance to see the creature banging the door, causing it to open.

Lloyd quickly ran towards the back door, dropping the bat in the process and went towards the garage. He quickly grabbed a knife from the bottom drawer and stood there with the knife, waiting for the creature to enter the door. He knew he was close but how close?

He breathed heavily, he wanted his boyfriend right now by his side. But where was he right now? He didn't want to be alone right now especially when a creature was chasing him. He wished his boyfriend would be to protect him, to defend him. But what if....

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