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*Third Person's View*

As the heads of Disney Channel gather around the large table, facing a projector. You could tell there was something big about to happen. There was a mix of tension, excitement and nerves travelling the aura of the room. Chatter flew around, like rumours. There were many ideas going around. In the past two years, Disney Channel has lost half their viewers and views. Without some miracle, they were going to lose their jobs; and it was so hard to find jobs if you're a scriptwriter or a talent scout.

They needed some fresh, something new, something that was going to get people up and out of their seats. If they lost their jobs, imagine how many people would be affected, familes, relationships, lots would be lost. The CEO of Disney was going to place an idea in front of all these people to hopefully bring their ratings through the roof. Whatever this idea was it would bring nerves, lots were at stake. The idea was going to get everyone up and working, maybe it'd bring that spark, that magic that Disney lost.

The staff was nervous and the chatter was dying down cause the firm footsteps were being loudly overheard. Their heads snapped up to the front door, they knew who was coming in. You could see some people biting their nails, some people were tapping impatiently, some people were holding onto the table. The door opens, quick, fast and everyone had scared, willing look on their faces. The silence was filled within a millisecond and the CEO slams his files on the long, neverending table. Some people jolted and the CEO was not impressed at all.

"I know all of you know the kind of danger Disney Channel is under" the CEO says, his voice was deep, making his big, bulky physique seem more intimidating.

"So. What do you guys want to do about it?" the CEO asks and everyone started looking at each other. Everyone was looking at the other, trying to push each other.

"W-Why don't w-we make a-a sit c-com?" A guy says, he wasn't too sure about it and it was clear in his voice.

"We've done that for two years and nothing has happened. We need something new" teh CEO making it clear.

A young girl, who seems to be in her late twenties speaks some unheard words.

"SPEAK LOUDER" the CEO says, slamming onto the desk.

"I was saying that we could get some celebrities to join and work together on a TV show, that gives advice and shows you what's hot and what's not. We could get some new stars too" the girl says and the CEO's eyes sees lightbulbs.

"Amazing idea. Believe in your dreams!" the CEO says and the girl nods, still a little bit scared.

"Who's the hottest popstar at the moment?" the CEO asks everyone.

"One Direction" a man says.

"That boyband right?" the CEO says and the man nods.

"Then get me One Direction and five talented young girls! GO! NOW!" the CEO orders and everyone nods.

Everyone rushes out of the room and the frantic look was clear on everyone's faces. People were reaching for the phones, some were searching the web. It was crazy, how a simple order made a quiet level of a building into a noisy race to find something, a special something. They needed a special, magicial something to get them out of the hole they were stuck in.

The question was 'would they find that special something?'

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2014 ⏰

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