Chapter 31

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Shayne steps out of their bedroom quietly, moving straight towards the nursery. He hopes Charlie and Kenn will be too preoccupied in the living room to notice their bedroom door opening, but instead, he steps into the nursery to find them at Charlie's changing table.

"Oh! Is everything alright, Shayne?" Kenn asks, glancing back when he steps into the room.

"Um- yeah, just- just looking for Court's ring for her, it's somewhere on the floor in here," he explains, a little hesitantly, eyes glancing down and running back and forth across the floor. The ring stands out easily: it sparkles in the light, and it's sitting just in front of the base of the crib.

"Sure, sure," Kenn answers, softly, as Shayne leans down to pick up the ring, "is she... doing okay?"

"Yeah. We might... call on you for a couple hours tomorrow and over the weekend too, though. Give her a proper break," Shayne answers, a little vaguely, but Kenn nods in understanding.

"Of course, happy to help. Did you guys want dinner or anything tonight? I was going to order in a bit later after Charlie's down, but I-"

"We might do the same, but we'll see what she feels like," Shayne gently cuts him off. Kenn hums his understanding, and it's then that Shayne rushes back to their bedroom and up into the bed beside Courtney.

"You found it?" She asks, quietly.

"Yeah, it was easy, just sitting in front of the crib," he answers, "d'you want to wear it? Or I can put it on the dresser?"

"It's harder for my brain to trick me into thinking you don't want me when I can feel that on my finger," she answers, almost timid, left hand shuffled forward towards him and palm out to take the ring. Shayne decides to take it one step further, though, gently grabbing her hand to hold towards him.

He slides the ring carefully back onto her ring finger, eyes never leaving hers even as he leans forward to press a soft kiss against her knuckles.

"I love you, Courtney," he breathes, watching as she smiles softly and shuffles closer until her forehead is pressed against his.

"I love you too, Shayne. I'm so glad I have you," she whispers, before nudging forward to press her lips against his in a soft kiss. It's a quiet request for affection that he happily returns, kissing her softly and slowly as his hand draws gentle patterns across her back.

The kiss ends, eventually, but as she tips her head forward to nuzzle against his chest, he keeps rubbing gently across her back as they lie curled together in comfortable silence.

Shayne has no idea how long the silence lasts, but he winces to himself when it is broken by his stomach rumbling audibly. Courtney shuffles back to meet his eyes, but she meets them with a soft smile that makes his heart flutter hopefully.

"Should we... order in food, or something?" she asks, quietly.

"D'you want to?" he turns the question back on her, watching her nod awkwardly against the pillow under her head.

"Kinda want spicy ramen. But ordered, not homemade," she admits, scrunching her face up slightly, "I just... want to feel like me. And it's not like I don't feel like me when I'm looking after Charlie because he's my baby but I just... I haven't done any other stuff I like for so long."

"That makes total sense, Court. So... let's get ramen, and I think Kenn was going to order in too so I might go out for a minute and ask if he wants something too? If that's okay?" he asks, carefully. Courtney quickly shakes her head, and his mind is about to reach for other possibilities, but she slowly shuffles back away from him only to sit up on the bed.

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