Breakfast and Friends

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I groan as my phone goes off into my ear in the morning. Emma is asleep, and my body is engulfed in my blanket underneath my duvet. I looked to my side to see me and Rory hugging in the park; a picture Amy took of us on her phone. She showed it to us, and has been my favorite picture ever since she printed it out for me. I smile at it, reminiscing about that day and how it was the perfect friend day. 

When I finally got up bringing my phone. My clothes were by my desk, making me quickly stand up and reach for it, running to the bathroom as quietly as I could. I changed, running back into my room, not before laughing about some kids making gossip in the corner. When I get back, Emma is already awake. "Good morning!" She exclaims, changing in the middle of the room. "Ew." I say, running to my desk and picking up my backpack, filling it up with everything I needed to survive the day. "What are you doing?" Emma asks, pulling on her cardigan over her yellow sundress. 

I shrug, "Filling up my bag for the entire day— I'm note entirely sure when I'll be back here today." She peeks through my notebooks, "Why do all of them say 'AP' Blank? Are you taking all the Advanced Classes?" I nod, closing my books, "Yes. I want to get into a good college, and I'm good at them anyways." I say, walking towards the door, "I've got to meet Rory. Want to check out his room." 

I leave early, waving her goodbye and walking outside to Buckner Hall; the dorm hall right next to ours. Fall was here, and the leaves were all over the floor. The weather was more cloudy and much more colder than at home. "Hey, Eleanor!" I turn back, looking at who was calling me. "Oh hey, Alex." I greet, looking at my twin.

"So, where're you going?" She asks, walking towards me with Isabelle, her best friend. I smile, "Would you like to know?" She actually cares about me! She rolls her eyes, giggling, "I know you're going to Rory. I just wanted to say hi." I nod, walking to the left. "Okay, see you in AP Math, right?" She nods, "Yup."

I walk into the glass doors, texting Rory that I was coming to get him and see his room. I knock on his door, pushing my bag up my shoulder a bit more. The door opens, "Ellie, hey!" He exclaims, hugging me. I giggle, "We just saw each other yesterday." I hug back, not before letting go. 

"You wanna come in?" He asks, offering me to come in. I nod, looking around his room, "Wow, you guys have a big room." He smiles, pulling me to his bed. "Where's your roommate?" I ask, plopping my back pack down on the ground. He shrugs, "Last night he went to hang with some guys in school, then he came back and we hung out, and this morning when I woke up he said he was going to breakfast." I shake my head, "Who is 'he?'" 

"Harry Union?" He said it more as if a question, "Have you heard of him?" I smile, "That one boy who likes to make animal impressions?" He snickers, "Yeah. How've you heard of him?" He wonders, running to his small lounge. I walk behind, following, "Uh.. I think Alex used to know his sister?" 

Rory shrugs, "Now come on, let's get to breakfast." I agree, walking out and grabbing my bag, following his lead. 


"Morning." Rory greets Amelia and Oliver, who were both of our friends and sitting down in our table. I greet the same, walking over to get my breakfast. It's about 7:20, leaving 20 minutes to eat and get to class. "Mmm, food." I hear someone say, walking beside me. I look to my left and see a boy with black floppy hair and a leather jacket. "Hey, I'm Jake King." I nod, "I know, I went to football practice to watch last week. Your end zone dances are awesome." I smile, making him grin. I grab some grapes, walking to pay. He follows. 

"I'm Eleanor Woodbridge." He nods, "I know. I've seen you around." I giggle, "Well, nice to meet you, King." He shakes his head, smiling, "See you around, Woodfridge." I shake my head, laughing, "Woodbridge." "Oh!" I nod, laughing like a mad man. "See you then, Woodbridge." I pat him on the back, "Now you've got it." I wave him off, walking down to my friends. 

I sit down with my tray, eating my pancake and sticking a straw in the coffee Rory got me. "What was that?" Amy asks, sitting down after getting her drink. I shrug, "What was what?" Oliver snickers, "That guy." I shake my head, "Just some guy named Jake Ki-" Amelia nods, "We know." 

Rory puts his hand on my shoulder, "So, how has your days been going?" I giggle, "You've seen me almost every day." He nods, "Duh. But not all of it. How have your days been going, Eleanor Grace Hart."

"Well, Rory Arthur Williams," I mock, "Honestly.. they've been going okay. Your days, the Nose?" Amelia sighs, "Honestly, I can't keep up with these blooming nicknames? When did 'The Nose' become a thing?" 

I smile, "Two days ago, when I made a joke about how him and Matt could fence," I pause, "Now, Roranicus," Oliver hits his head on a table, "What were you going to say?" 

"Oh, you know.. They were going okay." I put my feet up on Amelia, eating the last of my peanut butter and banana pancake they offered. Amelia snickers. Oliver smiles. Rory looks clueless, but goes with it. 

"Oh shi-" Oliver almost says, making Amelia shout, "Take Mushrooms!" I giggle. Oliver looks down at his watch, "Almost time for class." I pull Rory up, "We have AP Physics first, Roman." Amelia rolls her eyes, "Stop it!"

I giggle, putting away my food and skipping towards the Student Center, where our lockers were. 

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