Mysta Rias

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whiny as fuckbless your poor soul he is a menace and unforgivable when he's sick.

will throw pillows at you, flop all over, you cannot escape this manwhore M: "babe are you gonna let me out now" "not until you learn not to throw shit at me" M: "it was an accidenttttt" "Your accident got me pissed, now your on serious bed rest until I say so"
after he's done being a little asshole, he gets pity points for being sickhe's actually very softhe's doting on you more than your doting on him, it's odd to see him so loving, not like he isn't usually, but it's so gentle, compared to his loud and energetic love.

his sneezes are cute too, part of the cute sneeze team!will get embarrassed if you mention it though, cover up his face with the blanket he's been carrying around all day and run away

cries when he's sick, not in a sad way but his eyes tear up a lot due to how much he sneezes or rubs them, so he's seeing through blurry eyes a lot sad because he loves his job and he loves his fans but he needs breaks, have to force him out of his office.

likes to lay on your thighs while he naps <3 will wake up and bite them just to give you a scarewill cry if you leave during a cuddle session, if your going to lay down with him you definitely not getting back up :)

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