Critical hit

4 1 0

"Peter please roll an AC Check to see if you defend the Chimera's attack." Said The DM David. Peter picked up his d20 and rolled it against the big tables shiny wood. As the die landed with a tssk it showed a 16. So Peter added his armor bonus and got a total of 23.

David said "As the Chimera cleaves his fist towards you it clinks against your rough shiny dragonscale," then he said " Ok so Tam it is your turn what do you wish to do"

"I would like to take my two dragon bone daggers and drive it into the lion head."

"OK so roll an attack roll. " Tam picked up her d20, and rolled it. It landed with a hhss and showed a 20. Critical. CRITICAL! So Tam rolled a 3d10. She got a 5, a 7, and a 1. "13 damage. As you drive your daggers in to the head each hit lands in one of its eyes. Causing both blades to drive directly into it brain and for it head to fling around flaccidly. Then the Chimeras drake head takes control and flaps its wings powerfully so powerful it knocks the whole group down as it fly's off."

"Times up, gotta go everyone" said David as every one except he got up and picked up their stuff and said goodbye and walked out of the door

William walked into the darkness of his empty apartment. Gripping onto the new dice that David had gifted him and the rest of the group with. Will opened of the enclosed ''cage'' in which they were enclosed. He took out the d20 and rolled it on his table it rolled and landed on a 5 after making a pshk sound. How odd , he thought Dice do not make that sound, and I do recall that the first time Peter and Tam rolled their dice they both made a sound. Maybe it is weighted. As he thought that he picked up and rolled his dice again. 20 a critical roll though when it landed it made a pshklllll sound, and shortly after a wave of colors flashed in Wills apartment and he was gone.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2015 ⏰

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