stay with me

43 2 9

Holding her close, like it meant everything. Hugging her like she's everything he ever had, he smiled upon the warmth of the sunlight wrapping both of them. With the soft cushions and pillows beneath them, he felt so secure being held in her arms. He doesnt plan on moving away, even if he wanted to. To be held in her arms this close, is worthy more than anything to him. He crept up his hands, holding hers. As the shine of their wedding rings lighted up a part of the room, the sunlight bouncing off it. Admiring her face as she slept beside him, He smiled as he soon buried his face on her chest, watching the world surround him collapse. Lulling him into a deep sleep, He wants to stay with her, as long as both of them wanted.

He was awoken by a hand, creeping up to his face. "Goodmorning love.." His voice sounded raspy, as he was greeted by a kiss. "Well goodmorning my dear.."  She responded, her voice sounded a bit drowsy as she smiled at him. Oh the things he'd do to protect that smile, He held her hand. Guiding her to his hair, She smiled as she gently caressed his hair. "You're more needy when you're tired arent you?" She chuckled as he leans to where her hand was. "..i was just savoring your touch, i... need.. it." He smiled as he closed his eyes, She sat up and spoiled him kisses all over his face. Making him laugh as she continued doing so, both of them didnt bother to leave the room. It isnt that too bad to take a day off for each other isnt it? As long they're together, they'll have their hearts content.

As long they are together.

Gaypeppsle!!!//SkyCOTL Oc Oneshots (I am at gun point!!)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora