chapter 3 Dancing in the Dark

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"Basil, you're up."

"Amira." He was speechless. What if his suspicion of her was right? What if it wasn't? Either way, acting normal would be for the best. "Thanks. Is this your bed?"

"Oh! I've never shown you my room before. Silly me. We always had tea and lessons in the sitting room. Yes, this is my bed."

"I'm hungry, do you have any food?"

"Of course, here." She passed him some bread, and a water bottle. "You must be parched. Have some water."

  He paused. He had to confirm in his heart still that she was the poisoner. He ate the food, and one last time, he drank the water. Now dizzy, he felt like crying. It really was her. He passed out for a few hours. He woke up again on her bed.

"Wow, sorry Basil. I forgot just how weak your body is."

  This time he didn't fall for it. But letting her know he was onto her, would only bring him more danger. He continued to act oblivious. "Thanks for letting me sleep here, Ami." He pretended to be embarrassed. "But within a few hours the abyss will be here. I-I can't sleep with you."

  She smiles. "Aw, don't worry. I'm sure you can sleep in the guest room. Well, I'm off for my lessons. See you later"

  Basil walks out of the house with her, then waves her goodbye. As soon as she is gone, he starts heading for Ms. Seffner's house. District Q wasn't a particularly large district, but the trashy paths, and dark surroundings, would be hard for anyone to navigate. One of the advantages of being blind however, was that he could navigate through the abyss.

  It started to become pitch black right as he reached Ms. Seffner's home. He banged the door knocker. He heard stumbling feet approach the door. It bursts open.

"Who's there? What do you want?" She looks down in surprise. "Basil! Oh my, quite the surprise. Actually, this is perfect! Come now!" She grabs him by the arm, and pulls him in. She starts going on about how she looked for him everywhere and couldn't find him. Basil was shocked. She used to be such an organized, classy, refined, person. Now, her house was a mess, and she was too.

  She kicks around the garbage. "God! Would you clean this up?! What? No, it's fine! Such a mess! We don't have the time!" Basil only becomes more confused after hearing her talk to herself. She sits him down on a chair and flops on the couch beside him. "So, tell me, what is it you need? Why come to me? What has been happening to your body recently? How about manifesting an ability? Where have you been?"

  He stays stunned for a while before speaking. "Um, Ms. Seffner-"

"Just Seffner. Aunty, ma'am, or Mister will do as well. I just find gender so restricting don't you?"

  He giggles. He decided to be direct. "I came because I found out someone's been poisoning me with my water. I think it's Amira."

"Why come to me though, After all this time?"

"You're the only other person that at least treats me like a living person"

"Um, I don't think that's a compliment… Oh well, at least now your body's condition makes sense. Logically speaking, Amira is definitely the number one suspect. You only got sick when around her in the past. Pardon my French, but the way She speaks, she's quite the manipulative little bitch. At first I liked her because she was smart. But she turned out no better than her father."

He becomes sullen. "The chief does seem like the type to poison someone."

"Haha, you don't know do you?"

"Know what?"

"Yoren, was quite the weak dwellp as a child, and even as a teenager. But simply because of his blood as the chief's son, he married the most beautiful, and capable woman in district Q. He leached off of her accomplishments. Eventually, his fragile ego got to him, and he stabbed her in the back. She was the kindest spirited person you could ever meet. She didn't deserve to die like that. The bastard then dared to teach their daughter that he was in the right. That the best is simply whoever would go the farthest. No matter what tricks they pull."

"I-I can't believe I didn't know."

"Eh, don't sweat it. Yoren's ego can't handle her name being brought up in conversation, so she's not talked about." She reaches for her shelves. "Alright, enough about that. Tell me your symptoms. I'm no genius, but I'm quite the apothecary."

  He tells her of his symptoms. Such as blackouts, stomach aches, headaches, and more. She quietly listens as she sorts her medicines. Once he finished, she grabbed a maroon liquid from the shelf.

"Drink this anytime you experience the symptoms. If you are expecting it however, drink it beforehand. You can't avoid drinking water after all. There's a small cup inside for portions."

  She hands him the bottle. "Thanks."

"Tip for the future, don't say thanks, show thanks."

"Oh, of course. Um, what do you need."

"Stop by often, I never see you any more. Why did you never visit?"

  He didn't know how to respond. He figured once she had seen his lack of ability, she'd abandon him like everyone else. He started crying, and smiling at the same time. "I-I just didn't want to disappoint you."

  She smiles. "You haven't. I still believe you will awaken your abilities. I said it years ago, and I'll say it again. We don't know enough. I have yet to hear about a born disabled that didn't awaken. I have faith that you'll awaken once matured. Yoren has no patience."

  He felt happy hearing her words, and for the first time, hope. Maybe he would get an ability, maybe he already does, he just has yet to figure it out. For the first time since he was a toddler, he wants to see how fast he can run.

  Seeing a playful flame being reignited, brings out Seffner's inner child as well.

"Basil, why don't you stay for a while? We can have some fun, and cross out ideas for what your ability might be."

  He grins big and bright. Although it's pitch black outside, and most people would be asleep. Using torches as their guides they dance in the dark. By the time the moon arose the next twilight, they had already fallen fast asleep. Several chock-boards laid next to them. Covered in scribbles of writing and a child's doodles.

Basil had woken up. But he kept his eyes closed, in hopes of holding onto this rare peace he felt. As if all his worries about betrayal, and the loss of his friends, vanished. Seffner had woken up as well, but she read the room. She also kept her eyes closed and smiled sweetly. They laid there for several hours. By the time they finally got up, the hours of Lunerisc had already passed. They chuckled to themselves.

"What do you say we give the investigation another go, Basil?"

He smiled both mischievously, and with excitement. Again, another day passed, spent by them trying to figure out his ability. Their eyes started fluttering, they were getting drowsy. Basil begins to lose hope again. The weight of the worry for his friends began to surface.

  Moments later. Seffner had passed out due to lack of sleep. She woke up and saw large round eyes staring back at her. She jumped but then realized it was a baby sage bird. There was also a small red furred creature sleeping with Basil.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2022 ⏰

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