Forbidden acts: Part 1

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Chapter 1: Meeting you
(Gabriel's POV)
The main character of this story is: Gabriel Kim and the main side characters are: Norman Williams and Gabriel's sister: Paige Kim. Gabriel was a huge overthinker with black hair and dark brown eyes meanwhile Paige was a daredevil with long, black hair and dark brown eyes as well as her brother. Norman was somewhere in between and he had brown hair and hazel eyes. In this story everyone on earth has an enemy. Their enemy's name shows up on their wrist and the same thing happens to the person on their wrist at exactly the new years after their 15th birthday. They are forced to find and kill them by only knowing the name. Whoever finds their enemy first gets to kill them first and live, but if their enemy finds them first then the other person will be killed by their enemy. Everyone starts seeking at age 16 and if they do not find and kill their enemy/their enemy does not find and kill them by age 18 then they will both be found and killed by the government at the same time.

"I heard there's a new student coming to school!" Exclaimed Paige. "I heard he's super cute."

"Relax, he probably won't even know your name until you have an assigned group project together." I laughed.

"Shut up, Gabe!" Paige's face reddened.

"Sorry." I apologized, smiling.

We arrived at school and I sat down beside my sister, Paige.

"We have a new student today, Please introduce yourself." Asked the teacher.

"I'm Norman, I play basketball." Announced Norman.

"Please sit." The teacher suggested.

He sat down on the other side of me and looked like he was looking for something.

"Shoot!" He whispered.

He turned over to me and we locked eyes.

"Do you have a pencil?" Questioned Norman. "I swear I had mine, but it disappeared."

"Yeah! Yeah." I replied after a few seconds.

"Thanks." He smiled.

"He seems nice." I thought in my head.

After class there was an announcement on the speaker.

"Attention students, this is for the 10th graders: As we all know, most of you have turned 15 and you will be receiving your enemy's name on your wrist this December. Meaning you need to be very careful of the people around you. We have a section on enemies in the library if any of you would like to research." Announced the principal.

"Books on enemies? Maybe we should check those out soon!" Said Paige.

"Yeah." I chuckled, glancing at Norman every few seconds.

"Who are you looking at?" Asked Paige.

"Making sure he doesn't hurt you." I replied. "He seems like a player."

"Gabe! Stop it!" Exclaimed Paige, laughing. "I haven't even met him yet."

"Which is why you should go meet him now!" I encouraged her.

"Alright, what should I say?" Questioned Paige.

"Say you're free if he needs any showing around at the school or something." I suggested.

"Okay." Said Paige, taking a deep breath and walking over to Norman.

I heard them talk for a while, but I kept feeling weird about him. Almost like he was a bad person?

"Gabriel! Over here!" Shouted Paige.

"Huh?" I thought. I walked over and Paige started introducing him to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2022 ⏰

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