Finding comfort in the stars

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Here you go, have some Fondajones one shot owo

Jones was having yet another bad dream. It happened often and the blond didn't bother trying to find a solution to his long nights he spend alone in the sanctuary, trying to find peace in the Seven's base. Today, or rather tonight was different much to his dismay.
Jonesy didn't like change, it always brought bad things with it that he could handle only half the time, stupid anxiety huh. And right now he was standing near the window of his room, looking at the stars that illuminated the sky while sighting softly, a beautiful night it was luckily for him. He could stare at those small white dots outside the loop for hours on end if he wanted to.
But his mind was elsewhere, thinking about a certain leader and the nightmare he previously had. Sitting on his empty bed he tried to chase away all the worry and fear he had accumulated because of this one single bad dream. You see, the nightmare was about Slone wining this war, and oh he wanted so much for her to see what she was doing was bad. He missed so much when they still were friends. And so it did hurts more than usual when he saw in this dream his past best friend kill his crush while destroying reality for sick reasons he never quite understood. Okay maybe it wasn't just a crush, Jones was freaking in love with the leader of the seven and he didn't know what to do about that. At the moment he just wanted to run see if Foundy was still alive and all this really just was is mind playing tricks on him just for the fun of it. Why did he have to be so anxious all the time ?

Going deeper in his thought, the blond didn't notice a certain someone knocking on his door until the person grew tired of knocking and simply entered the shelter. "Jones ?" Oh-OH Foundation was here ! And it took all his energy and mental will not to run in the giant man arm, because he was okay- he was here- of course he was here you idiots it was just a dream ! Get yourself back together goddamn Jones ! "Jonesy are you okay ?" Jones finally looked into the man's direction, his lack of sleep still evident on his features which just worried more the Foundation than he already acknowledge he was toward the condition of his friend.
Jones still hadn't responded and so Foundation sat next to him, three dots visible on his helmet, portraying his lack of knowledge for how to comfort a possibly really tired 'friend'. The leader had for a long time tried to understand his feelings towards the blond, and now that he was sitting next to him, he didn't know where to find the courage to hug him or comfort him in any way. But it seemed to be fine as Jones silently leaned on his shoulder, breathing coming to a steady pace, but eyes still unfocused. It was fine, just the two of them, looking out the window at the stars and finding comfort in each other presence.

Two people unfamiliar with love and yet reunited by the universe itself.
They somehow knew that even with no words shared, they would always stay side by side no matter what was bound to happen on the island.

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