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He put down the papers he was holding and just took a sip from his coffee.His surroundings were pretty dull , let alone just sitting in his local diner in the dead early mornings. It was nice hearing some tunes from the jukebox that was playing he thought to himself , atleast It wasn't that dull.

"Up and about for ideas and your usual bad brainstorm again?" The chef leaned on the bar across from his booth. "Uhuh. . .you know me as usual , Just not coming up with anything for the past days." Kenneth replied. "Something's blocking your head much?" Chef asked while wiping down his counter. Was something blocking him from anything? Or Is it just some normal "Oh I'm just tired" moments he thought.

"What? No no something Isn't really blocking me I wouldn't say that. Actually I don't know how to explain it or do I even know.". Chef raised an eyebrow and stared at him for a moment that It got on Kenneth's nerves. "Okay okay fine! Now stop giving me that look. What are you trying to say or- suggest?" He scrunched up his forehead skeptical.

"Get yourself a pal , a buddy , a co-worker someone who could help you out atleast jeez!" Chef decreed It , he sounded like its something Kenneth should've done a whole long while ago."Hold on wait a minute- so you're saying I should just work with someone?" "What do you have corks In your ears? That's what I just said , If you're gonna keep up with all your mechanic business then don't you suppose to have someone out and about to help you."

Kenneth took a moment on that suggestion- well idea before gulping down the entire mug of coffee to a finish. "Yeah. . .I don't do well working with others. I much prefer doing stuff on my on rather than have someone else with me that might mess things up. Solo Is the best way for me." He Implied.

Chef opened his mouth and closed It back pausing for a brief second. "And besides , don't you run this place all by yourself?" Kenneth began. "Not anymore I don't , I've already got a delivery boy who's somewhat a good energy buzz to be around but this Is getting off topic. What I'm saying Is maybe try to you know- Not do things all on your own like this. Like come on I've been seeing you on a daily basis at this point , just you hanging and thinking about whatever the hell ideas you're trying to think of around by the same booth." Chef added and strolled towards the Jukebox choosing another tune for the diner.

"Don't judge me for not hanging with people too much I'm a busy person you know" as Kenneth said and listened to the music that started droning himself out. Ring Ding the front door's bell chimed and it opened as someone walked In. Kenneth looked over his booth to see whoever this was that had the energy to come at this dead hour.

The guy that came In was In a guards uniform outfit in blue with black slacks , a cap and a badge and the most noticeable thing about him was his blue skin. Smurfs fan much? He jokingly thought to himself .

Smurf guard guy headed over to bar counter where Chef was just waiting lazily eyeing around. Before the smurf guy could even say anything Chef started him off with "So what can I get for you? The menu Is just over there."

He paused to himself and just finally ordered ( without looking at the menu  ) "Can I just get a bagel and a cup of joe?". Chef just shrugged "Yeah sure coming right up before heading into in the kitchen. The guy looked around the empty diner and saw Kenneth. Kenneth felt just a little surprise seeing the smurfs guy having plain white milky eyes. Tho what the heck its not like you never see anything weird In this place anyways Kenneth thought. He walked over to his booth and asked "Uh hey you mind If I sit here? Would be abit better to have someone around for this graveyard morning." "Yeah sure. Go ahead I wouldn't mind it either." Kenneth said Invitingly.

He sat and scooted down onto the seat across from him. "Woah you seem pretty busy huh?" The guy asked looking at the papers scattered ok the table. "Not really , Its just stuff that I think Is good enough In my head only to come out not as good as I thought." Kenneth answered , he looked up across from him. "My name Is Kenneth , Kenneth Vickery but you can just call me Mech. I just prefer being refered as my job. And you are?"

"Ah! I'm Davis Dakota , do just call me Davis heh. So you must be the town's mechanic?" As Davis asked. "Yeah yeah thats me. Well not just me theres plenty of others anyway." As blankly as Kenneth stated. "You don't really sound to good about It." Davis went on , "I mean are these plans for something or just for your business?".

"Oh no no. Its just for personal projects to keep me from getting rusty and sometimes gives me a little tips and tricks ya know." Kenneth explained to Davis , he couldn't help but enjoy talking to the guy. Seems and felt like a nice fella to be around , weird but nice.

Chef came by the booth they were at from the kitchen and placed down Davis's order. Just as Kenneth heard him order a cup of coffee and a bagel just awhile moment. Just a bagel for their morning? Wow he's got a strong stomach. "Why thank you my good man." Davis thanked and Chef only gave a grunt In response.

"Will a single bagel keep you up for work? I mean what's your job , Its probably gotta tiring If you're a security guard If I'm correct." Kenneth asked him curiously. "Oh don't worry too much about it I have a small appetite nowadays. And I guess my job is more like a security guard but all I do is just walk around an abandoned building that nobody wants and catch anyone snooping around." Davis explained and continued "Its really not worth much to know but thanks for asking how i should keep myself full. Did you wanna buy me lunch or something?" He cheekily said.

"Oh hohoh you're trying to charm me huh? Nice try bud. But I would buy you something to eat If you show me around this building of yours. " Kenneth actually wanted to know what the building was. Look at other place for once instead of sitting in his garage all day doing nothing tinkering. "You know what. Yeah sure buy me a box of donuts and you're tagged along." David offered his hand. So it became a small offer deal. "Deal." Kenneth shook his hand.

"Strong grip ya got there , would you be minding on carrying a guy like me?" Flirtatiously Davis teased him.

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