Chapter 1: Lissana

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A/N this is my first story, wish me luck!

~~ Lucy p.o.v ~~

"Mira I want to try something new today." "Ok what would you like." said Mira. "I think I'll try a blueberry pomegranate smoothie." "Ok coming right up." said Mira. Mira came back with my smoothie a minute later and When I took a sip it was my own personal heaven in my mouth.

Right after I finished my smoothie someone walked in and said "hi everyone I'm back." I looked over and saw a girl with silver hair just above her shoulders and her face resembled Mira's. Everyone started running towards her except me,Wendy,Gajeel, Juvia and the exceeds.

Mira came back over and told me who she was. I went over there to introduce myself but I was pushed back my none other than my nakama Natsu. Erza scolded Natsu for pushing me. I got back up and went back to my seat.

Wendy sat beside me and asked me if I was ok and I answered with a simple "yes." Then after few minutes of talking with Wendy I told her I didn't feel well so I told her I was going to leave.

~~Time Skip~~

I got back to my apartment and decided to take a bath. I called Aquarius so I Could talk to her. Right after I summoned her she said "WHY DID YOU SUMMON ME BRAT ." "I just want to talk ". She replied by saying "Fine you have 20 minutes."

Time skip

After I explained what happened today I asked if they were going to ignore me and she said "I don't know they might but most likely not I mean they are your nakama I'm sure they wouldn't." What she said last made me happy but I'm still worried. I told Aquarius she can go so she did.

After she left I got out of the bath and dried off,and got dressed in my pajamas. They consisted of rainbow leopard print fleece shorts and a black and pink tanktop. I went to my bed, lied down and thought about today. A few minutes later I drifted off to sleep.

Time skip the next day

I got dressed and walked to the guild. The guys on the boat told me to watch my step like usual and I just laughed and smiled at them. When I got to the guild I sat down and asked Mira for my new usual a blueberry pomegranate smoothie.

As I sipped my heavenly drink Wendy sat by me she told me Natsu was going on a job with Lissana, Grey, and Erza and they already left and that Natsu said to tell her that they were taking Lissana because they haven't seen her in so long and the pay is only 8000 and it's to hard to split it 5 ways. I thought it's only one job it's fine.

After 10 minutes of small talk I asked Wendy if she wanted to go on a job. Wendy said sure so I told her to pick one so she went to the board and she came back a few minutes later and had picked one it said: Please kill the three monsters terrorizing my village. The pay was 140,000. I said to Wendy "are you sure about this one it Looks kinda hard." She said "it's fine we can handle it." I told Mira we wanted to take the job and she said sure.

Time skip

We headed to the village and it was dark When we got there and there were no monsters so we slept. I thought to myself "good thing I packed my pajamas." The lady we met first was our client and invited us to stay in her house so we accepted . When we got to her house it was beautiful and we each got our own room and private bathroom. The place was like a mansion but not as big as the one I grew up in. Me and Wendy got ready for bed and each took a bath. I went to my bed layed down and took a mental note to bring paper so I can write a letter to my mom on my next job. A few minutes later I drifted off to sleep.

Wendy p.o.v yay!!!

When we got to the mansion I took a bath after setting my things in my room. In the bath I thought about How I miss Carla she had to stay at fairy tail because she was sick. I got out of the bath dried off and got dressed. My pajamas consisted of sky blue fleece shorts with a darker blue fairy tail insignia on the front left more towards my side and out had white sparkles around it and my shirt was just a simple sky blue T-shirt to match my shorts. After I changed I layed in bed and fell asleep.

Time skip next day

Lucy p.o.v

Me and Wendy got up ate breakfast and went outside to a loud commotion there were 3 monsters me and Wendy took them out surprisingly fast collected our reward said thank you and left.

Time skip

Me and Wendy arrived in Magnolia and it was really dark so I went home and went to bed.

A/N I don't know if this is a short chapter it probably is. please vote, comment, follow me and share this story if you want to (it would be amazing)


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