Coming to an end

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TW: There will be someone coughing up blood in this chapter, and again mention of murder


"Alright you two! If you don't stop I'm calling sir Wilbur." A woman, the chef in the castle yelled at the two young boys.

"Sorry Puffy, we'll clean it up." The boys said, as they began mopping the floor and cleaning the tables.

Tommy and Tubbo had suggested helping Puffy, the chef, with washing up the dishes from the day before, but they had gotten distracted and started a "War", throwing water at eachother and everywhere else.

When the boys had finally finished cleaning up, Wilbur entered, much to their luck.

"Puffy, is the kings breakfast ready?" Wilbur asked, not even paying attention to the two boys in the room.

"Yes, of course Sir Wilbur." Puffy answered, handing Wilbur the tray with the kings food and drink on it.

"Good. Tommy, you're coming with me to serve the king his breakfast today." Wilbur said, turning around, not even waiting for Tommy to realize what he said.

Tubbo took a quick questioning glance at Tommy, but Tommy just shrugged and hurried after Wilbur.

Tommy caught up to the older male, and walked beside him through the long hall.

"So Tommy, how are you and Ranboo getting along?" Wilbur said, keeping his gaze forward.

"We get along fine, Ranboo is a nice guy." Tommy said calmly, his gaze also pointed forward.

"You're good at your job, but your friend Tubbo messes up a lot, and he always disturbs you from the importance of your job." Wilbur said, taking a breath, before talking again.

"You have good potential, Toms. I just don't think you should have Tubbo around, he's an obstacle." Wilbur said, making Tommy stop up.

Wilbur noticed this, and stopped as well.

"Tommy. The king will be mad if we don't hurry up." Wilbur said, making Tommy perk up from looking at the ground.

Tommy stared at Wilbur for a moment, before walking again, Wilbur following.

They were quiet for a while, until they got to the big door that lead into the kings 'dining room'.

They both stopped, Wilbur reached out a hand to turn the doorknob, but Tommy grabbed his hand, stopping him.

"Honestly, Sir Wilbur. I wouldn't have much motivation to do my job if it wasn't for Tubbo. He's my brother, so if you want him to leave then I'm gonna leave as well." Tommy said, before letting go of Wilburs hand.

Wilbur hesitated a bit, before turning away from Tommy and opening the door.

The king was sat at his chair, looking at envelopes and papers.

Wilbur turned on a smile like a switch, heading to the table, Tommy right behind him.

"Good morning, your majesty! I hope you had a great nights sleep?" Wilbur said, before placing the tray on the table in front of the king.

The king looked up from his papers, and put them to the side, before turning on a smile as well.

"Good morning to you as well, sir Wilbur. And yes, I slept like a baby." Phil joked.

Wilbur let out a chuckle, before revealing what the kings breakfast was.

"It looks delicious! Puffy is the best cook." The king said, before beginning to eat.

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