Black Burnouts

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Bam! Bam! Bam! "Hey Daniel, you ready?"

I was looking at an old photo when my friend Lewis started to hammer on my garage door. I quickly shove it into my track pants.

"We gotta get that new car of yours today! Hope you're in there!" He shouts.

I almost forgot, today was the day I got my first vehicle. Lewis and I ran with our friend Erick and made a lot of money working illegal jobs. I kept the money in a secure safe here in the garage. Today was the day I got a brand new 2013 Subaru Brz. A smile almost formed across my whole mouth. Except it didn't. I hate Bell's Palsy. The right side of my mouth droops a bit low, like a frown was forming but paused shortly before it was complete. The left side of my mouth is formed as a short smirk. When I was younger the doc told my parents it was permanent. It irritated me to no end. But it also made me unique, unlike those average people who are considered "normal".

I was looking forward to buying this car. I got out of my chair, walked across the old concrete floor, and yanked on the garage door chain. The light of the sun was almost blinding at first, then my eyes began to adjust. It was a cool, clear spring day. Lewis was standing there waiting for me, also wearing the same black leather jacket for what seemed like the 12th time this week. The bright day out made his dark skin stand out. Especially with his blue jeans and nike shoes, that made him look like a punk from the 80's. Even though it's 2012, I guess some forms of fashion never die.

"Good to see you, Silent Daniel. I'm glad you were actually in the garage, cause your neighbors probably would have thought I'm nuts after knocking on your garage." I nod my head at him, and we fist bump. My friends refer to me sometimes as "Silent Daniel" referencing the "Jay and Silent Bob" movies. I'm not much of a talker, and Lewis knows that. I respect him for it. Having me be silent sometimes forces me to listen to one of his boring rants though. Lewis gestured to me to go with him to his car. We were walking towards the sidewalk when I heard a screech of tires down the road, and a blue and white mustang came speeding, blasting Tupac. The car's tires squealed to a stop in front of my driveway between the "MUTHA" and the "FUCKA". The music stopped, and the driver got out.

"Silent D! Lewis! How the hell are you guys?"

It was our other friend I mentioned earlier, Erick. Loud mouthed and hard as nails. He had noticeable bruises and some faded scars on his neck and face. Some I remember from fights I helped him with, the others were a mystery. He was in his regular getup as usual. His jean jacket, running shoes, track pants, and his short black mohawk haircut. He can be an asshole sometimes, but I tolerate him. He does help us with jobs and connections. He is the reason I got hooked up with a dealer selling this car. Lewis went up to him and they bumped fists. He turned to me and we did the same. "Good to see you boys again. Wanted to stop by to make sure that we're clear on today. You remember where the place is?"

I nod my head. "Good, good. Listen to this. I met some other of my bros earlier today and they wanted to meet up with us once you get your new ride. Meet me at the Segway Mall parking lot around 9 pm, got it?" I nod my head. "Cool, I'll see you both then!" Erick goes back to his car and fires up the engine. "And bring your new ride with you!" He shouts. Tupac's music blasts from the mustang speakers and disappears down the road.

"What was that all about?" Lewis thinks out loud. All I can do is think the same thing.

"Whatever then, let's get going, Dan. Hop in my evo, you're driving." Louis tosses his keys to me.

"Evo" is short for "Evolution" as in the Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution Model. Lewis' evo was a seventh generation model, which was a very nice sports car, perfect for modifications and especially my favorite, street racing.

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