The First Meet

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Thomas P.O.V

It was dark and cold. All I could feel was electricity coursing through my veins, the ache in my limbs, and the ringing sound in my ears were almost impossible to bear. "Thomas! Thomas." I could start to hear somebody yelling my name. Before I could open my eyes to greet whoever it was, I shot up.

Breathing hard and in a cold sweat I looked around my apartment and tried to calm down. It was the fourth time this week I've had this nightmare about the night I got my powers. I groaned and fell back into my pillows trying to wake myself up.

After a few minutes I managed to pull myself out of bed and walked to the bathroom looking in the mirror, "Well today is going to suck." I told myself as a sort of pep talk, and I was right. I walked back into my bedroom and did a quick workout then after took a shower and got dressed in a pair of jeans and a black long sleeve.

As soon as I walked to Jitters to pick up my daily coffee the line was out the door causing me to groan and try not to get upset. Sure I could just speed to the front of the line but that requires effort. After 25 minutes I had finally gotten my coffee and started walking out when I ran into somebody and my coffee spilled on the ground.

I laughed to myself and threw my head back, "Yep, this day sucks." I closed my eyes and dropped my head. "I am so sorry! I wasn't looking and just ran into you, it was completely my fault, and I am so sorry again." I heard the voice of the person I ran into say. "It's fine I-" I was cut off by looking at the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my life.

She smiled at me and after a while I noticed I was staring. "Umm, I- uhh yea no it's fine. I was kinda expecting a crappy day. But it is getting better." She blushed and looked down, "Well, I am sorry, let me buys you another coffee?" She asked looking back up at me.

"No, it's fine really. I-I'm Thomas, by the way." I stuck out my hand, and she did the same shaking mine. "Nora." Wow that is the best name I have ever heard in my life. "Well Nora, it was nice meeting you." I said trying to control the heat rising in my face.

"You too Thomas." She turned and started to walk out of the store when a voice inside my head stopped me. 'Ask her out you idiot!' I shook my head and ran out the store to catch up to her. "Wait, Nora!" She turned around and looked at me. "This may be a little forward, but, do you want to get lunch. Like today?" I asked rubbing the back of my neck nervously.

Nora giggled and nodded her head quickly, "Yes-uh yea I would love to." she started as we both walked down the sidewalk. "So where are we going?" I turned towards her as we continued down the street, "You decide, I'm fine with anything."

She thought for a second before answering, "Big Belly Burger?" I smiled and threw my head back, "Where have you been all my life?" I asked to which she blushed and started laughing, which might I add, was the best sound ever.

We talked the whole way to the restaurant then took a seat at one of the tables in the back, "Wait so you're telling me that you snuck into the archives in the Flash Museum just to get a photo of the original suit?" I said through my laughter. "Okay, when you put it like that it sounds bad." She said scoffing. "No, I think when you put it any way, it sounds bad. Sorta like a felony." I mentioned to which she kicked my foot under the table.

Nora laughed and nodded, "Yea fine I guess so." Our food came out a bit later and we ate, talked, and laughed. We must have stayed at the restaurant for an hour, even after we had finished eating. "So tell me something about your family." I said leaning my head on my hands, which were resting on the table.

Her eyes fell towards the table as she started playing with the straw in her drink, I noticed the happy look on her face disappear, and I quickly regretted asking my question. "Oh, I'm- you don't have to answer that. I'm sorry." She cut me off and looked up at me again. "No, it's fine, my dad died when I was younger and I'm not really that close to my mom. That's pretty much it but it just sucks having lived with it for my entire life. Like she totally condescends me and always thinks I am way too excessive. But whatever, I'm over it. Now you, family?"

I looked up at her and sat back in my seat resting my arm on the booth behind me. "Well that's easy, yet also so complicated. I never met my mother and have lived with my father my whole life, who wasn't always the greatest. I mean he tried he was actually a really great dad up until I turned 16 and that's when he went to jail. Promise not to judge me." I asked to which she nodded. "My dad is Eobard Thawn."

Nora's eyes went big and she blew out a puff of air. "Wow, okay you win. Your family life sucks way more than mine." I laughed  and looked her in the eyes just smiling at her. "I had a really good time today Thomas, and I really hope your day got a little better." She smiled gently. "It got a whole lot better. I would really like to do this again sometime, how's tomorrow night?" She smiled and nodded, "Yea that sounds great."

After about 20 more minutes we both left the restaurant and I offered to walk her to her apartment which she accepted. When we finally got there we said our goodbyes then I walked back to my own apartment, a smile on my face the entire time. When I finally went to bed, it had been the first night I didn't have a nightmare in a few days. The only thing on my mind was Nora.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2022 ⏰

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Nora West-Allen x Thomas ThawnWhere stories live. Discover now