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Commander had been cornered with no way out. Nobody had even noticed that Commander was gone. He was chased down by a pissed off (and oddly fast) heavy zombie. Due to the fact he hadn't scoped the land out yet, he was completely lost and terrified. Commander was never good with fear. It always seemed to make him do stupid shit, which is especially evident now.

The zombie chased him into a forested area. Then, into a corner surrounded by rock and steep cliffs. Commander pushed his back against the closest wall, staring wide-eyed at the growling zombie before him. His eyes flicked upward at a small cliff edge, forming a quick (very stupid) idea. Despite his training and constant studying, he had completely forgotten the rule of never turning your back on a zombie. Commander tried to quickly climb up the steep rock, his back completely towards the enemy. His shoes slipped against the dirt as he frantically tried to scrabble his way up.

Then, something sharp latched onto his leg. Cold fear petrified his heart and made his face go pale.

In a flurry of screaming and clawing from Commander, the zombie pulled him down to the ground. A loud squeal of terror pierced the air as Commander's back hit the ground, punching the air out of his lungs. His pant leg was already ripped from just getting tugged down. His focus was cut short as the zombie pinned him down by the chest and dug its teeth into his calf.

Commander let out a high cry of sheer pain. His eyes were filled with terror as he desperately tried to crawl away from the heavy zombie biting his leg. He completely forgot about his weapon, his fight or flight response kicking in.

Agonizing pain shot through his leg in spikes and his lungs burned for air as Commander screamed as loud as he could.

Each gnaw on his leg felt like hell. He was in so much shock he could barely move. The only thing that went through his head was that he was going to die alone. Alone and eaten alive by the very thing he sought to destroy. It seemed like his screaming was doing nothing. He couldn't hear any footsteps or any noise from his teammates.

However, in a moment of good fate, he heard yelling. It was DJ.

DJ had been frantically searching for Commander since he had disappeared. Last thing he remembered was hearing Commander's frightened cry and then he was gone. Everyone was looking for him until the horrific sound of screaming broke the air. DJ and Scout looked at each other, sharing a look of fear.

Once they arrived at the scene, DJ felt rage pulse through his body. He stumbled over with an angry scream.

DJ couldn't tell what that meaty tearing sound was, nor did he really want to know. Instead of dwelling on that, he immediately reached over to Commander's hip and grabbed the terrified man's gun. DJ had no previous knowledge of shooting, especially not Commander's own gun. But as adrenaline pumped through his veins, he fired the one bullet blindly. A disgusting crack sound echoed amongst the heated gunfire. DJ peeked one eye open to see the heavy zombie gargling and writhing on the grass. A gunshot wound was visible on the zombie's forehead. His mind went foggy, his heart pounding rapidly in his ears.

Scout's horrified yell of "Dad" startled DJ back into reality.

DJ felt his stomach lurch. His body seemed to move on its own as DJ ran over to Commander's trembling figure. He was clawing at the ground, a mixture of blood and tears smeared on his face. Loud, heavy sobs slipped from his lips as he tried to ground himself. DJ watched as Commander let out open-mouthed heaves, some drool dribbling down his chin and splatting against the dirt floor.  "Shit, Commander– stay with me here!" DJ gasped, kneeling on the floor. He grabbed Commander and pulled him close to his chest, ignoring the drool on his shirt. "Get Medic! Now!!"

Sticky, hot blood matted DJ's pants but DJ didn't care. He knew Commander and him barely talked, so he never considered Commander close to him yet the terror that flushed his face red countered his thoughts immediately. Who cares if they weren't close? Commander was sobbing in his arms, bleeding out and gagging from the searing pain. If he didn't care, that would make him insane.

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